Observations Made Today

May 04, 2004 10:17

I know it's been a while, but I made a couple of observations that I had to share with people. First, if people are going to put "Jesus" fish on their cars then they should try to drive and act a little less like huge assholes. I saw at least two huge assholes with the "Jesus" fish on their cars and one of them was the kind with Jesus actually written in them. I'm not the most religious person myself, but if I were going to display the fact that I was I'd try to act accordingly. Second, I don't have a problem with the "Jesus" fish, but if you're putting one on your car you shouldn't be allowed to have a personalized license plate. I do believe vanity is one of the big sins and having the fish and the personalized plate sounds a little conflicting to me. I think I saw something else that was good but can't remember so this will have to do. Now for the disclaimer: the views discussed in this post do net reflect the views of this broadcasting system or it's affiliates, they're are solely the opinion of the schmuck that wrote them (me) so you have been warned. Feel free to re-butt or just add a comment if you want.
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