Nov 19, 2007 16:12
There is ignorance that is just a lack of knowledge, but there is ignorance in perception as well.
If you view something as better than it really is, or as something that can be possessed it can lead to lust for it and hatred toward the things that stand between you and it.
If you view something as tainted or flawed so much so that you can not see the good qualities it possesses it leads to disdain, contempt and loss of what could be a beneficial thing.
So, if we truly know something we can avoid some of these negative things.
Think of something you hate, now wonder why you hate it. Are these the results of ignorance?
Are they result of their actions? Are their actions done out of ignorance?
How do you know something without reference to something else?
Short does not exist without Tall. Can you know yourself without others upon which to show the differences?
My brain is stuck.