Jan 28, 2021 12:20
This was another proto-character I was putzing with when I came up with Diyab (7 Jan's entry) and Essafah (8 Jan's entry). I was toying with the idea of a half-orc lore and skill master who could gain NWPs as needed as well as serve as an urban plot magnet. So I went with guilder (from Birthright's Havens of the Great Bay) instead of bard (from Al-Qadim's City of Delights). I ended up going with Diyab, but I think this guy would be fun to run some time.
Half-orc (CompHumanoids)
Guilder (Havens of the Great Bay)
Barber (Arabian Adventures)
Str - 10
Dex - 17
Con - 16
Int - 12
Wis - 11
Cha - 10
wrestling (spec)
Healing Wis-2
Herbalism Int-2
Guilder (3 class + 3 Int +1/level class)
Appraising (Int)
Assimilation (Int-1)
Gaming (Cha)
Local History (Tajar) (Cha)
Masseuse (Dex)
Stealth (Dex)
Tumbling (Dex)
Saving throw:
PPDM - 13
RSW - 14
PP - 12
BW - 16
SP - 15
Thief Skills
Read Language (25% + 05%/level - 10% (half-orc))= 20%
Move Silently (05% + 05%/level + 05% (17 Dex)) = 15%
Legend Lore (03%/level) = 03%