Feb 08, 2006 13:59
Today i had my first slidefilm cross-processed (shot on a pentax k1000). Some of the pictures i like, many of them i dont. However, the most important thing is from looking at the pictures i can see what sort of conditions best enhance and dont enhance x-processing. And thankyou to Lloyd who's been helping me heaps with this. And whats also good is im back on the horse already as i have bought another roll of slide film and one b&w to do it all again.
Today in the city while waiting for my photos for less than an hour i bought:
- one black, polka-dot, silky top
- one Muse record
- one new nose stud
- one plain folding fan
Tonight i decided to stain and paint the fan with cherry blossoms. Im so happy with it I let it dry and hung it on my dark, wooden bookshelf and it looks so pretty, if i do say so myself.
Ive recently found myself retiring to Chinatown almost every night of the week after work for an early morning feast with my lovely Lisa, Shane and Chad who make work, dare i say, more than bearable.
I think Ill buy more fans to paint.