[ooc] application

Nov 25, 2011 13:15


Player info
Your Name: kally
Your E-Mail/AIM/Whatever: you've already got this.
this is my second character after Kisara.
Livejournal: writesonthesly
Your age: still 18

Character info
Series/Fandom: yugioh gx (anime)
Character's Name: Yubel
Character's Sex: Female
Character's Age: over a thousand years old, though physically sixteen
Canon point: end of the series.

Abilities: As a Monster, Yubel has the ability to shoot beams from her mouth and her hands. She can fly by use of her large wings protruding from her back. Her claws and talons enable her to scratch and cut at whatever upon which she brings the brunt of her power. She also can move at quick speeds and visualize a person's heart and soul. She can look past a person's body, and act as an empath, sensing emotions with a feel--however she responds is usually indifference if anyone else but Juudai. It's difficult to disguise your emotions from her. She can also warp reality by pulling and twisting at the time frames.

For the sake of preventing godmodding, in SK I would like to bind Yubel's reality bending abilities to nil, as well as lower her attack abilities' power strengths. She won't be able to cause as much damage as she used to--but she can still cause considerable damage. Another modification meant to split her power levels is that she will revert to human form if she uses up too much of her energy. Each day, she can remain in Monster form, so long as she doesn't do any strenuous fighting. For example, if she flies for four hours straight, or battles someone, she will revert to human form, and remain human for a day and a half while her stamina replenishes itself.

Strengths: Yubel's attack power is tremendous. She's been able to split buildings, wreck stone, and even cause enough damage to put a permanent residency in the hospital. With the binding of her powers in SK, her strengths in Monster for will focus on her flight, and her combat. Jubel is strong and can lift and move (as well as throw) very heavy objects. She's even thrown people and used simple concrete as a barrier to protect herself. She's an accomplished strategist on the battlefield and will go all out to get the prize.

Weaknesses: Yubel's main weakness is indecision with her abilities. She can get too involved in a fight and lose track of where she's going--right into a wall! She's a frenzied attacker and she enjoys the simple measure of throwing out all her cards and rolling for a win through rash moves. Her favorite attack position is trying to claw at someone's face, or suffocating them in her dark presence by backing them into a corner and snuffing them out as quick as she catches them. She is vulnerable to trickery and has been fooled by mislead of her temper and anxiety.

Background: here you go!

Personality: Loyalty. Devotion. Love. These are Yubel's greatest positive traits. Yubel is full of combined love for her friend, Juudai. She's endured pain, rejection, and transformation to protect the boy she loves with all her heart and soul, and even after her mind contorted with sadistic, possessed evils, she still hung onto her love. Yubel never lets something lie around when she's on the job. She's persistent and quick and if you are dear and precious, her number one condition no matter her own current is that you are safe and protected. She could be covered in scars and bruises and Yubel wouldn't give a damn so long as you are healthy and walking. Sometimes she needs to be pushed and nagged until she reclines and recuperates properly, but she is stubborn and courageous out of her devotion. She strongly believes she is meaningless if her precious people's lives are compromised.

She's headstrong and stubborn, and she doesn't like being a drone under the thumb of the queen bee. She prefers being a renegade, or a lone knight beside her prince and his subjects. To be on the sidelines and held down is not an option, and like a resistant creature caged, she will growl, scratch, and break out of her holdings to get back into action. She's a creature of the fray, and no battle is too steep, wrong, or dangerous for her. She's sacrificed so much of herself to become the person she is now in order to continue the means of which she's dedicated. Someone telling her to back down will receive a clawed face and some scars that will run deep in the skin.

While Yubel has her redeeming traits, she can be mean and sarcastic. Dry-humored, she's adapted to her life and dealt through situations with a dark sense of humor and dry wit. She laughs at some injuries and encourages silly jokes, but she won't apologize for these misgivings. No, not even to Juudai, but then, Juudai is her most treasured person. She doesn't expect or request anything of her most treasured person, and in Juudai's understanding, Yubel believes she does not need any permission of anyone else to be who she is. She's a master of scoffing and snorting and can throw an off-handed insult over shoulder without warning. She rolls her eyes and can be quite rude, but this is Yubel and how Yubel acts. Don't expect her to conform to your expectations. You will be sorely disappointed.

The noise is where Yubel is most comfortable. The excitement and the energy surging through her bones--it's her playground. She wants adventure and isn't content with sitting around doing nothing. Like Juudai, she likes motion and craves something thrilling and surprising. She can sit back with a good book and lounge around napping, but sitting with nothing to do is not an option. She'll often go out and seek something to do and lo, should the subject be dangerous, the more the merrier. Wake her up early and propose a trek up a mountain. Ask her for a investigation of a creaky building. She'll be there as long as the gettings good and the stakes aren't too high.

She's no dummy. She knows that sometimes taking risks are not an option. But try to tell her that it's not worth it when it's for those she cares for. If death is a risk for an adventure that has no real value, she'll turn the invitation down and look for something less trying. It's common sense. You don't go for the fancy jewels on the other side of the room if searing beams are what fills the space between you and the prize. Besides, do you really need those jewels? No? Then get out of the room, like, now.

Yubel isn't impressed by money or jewels and certainly isn't someone to be swayed by fancy silks or sturdy leather. A creature of content, as long as she's clothed, she's fed, and she's with her precious people, then Yubel requires nothing else. She's capable of want, but the kind of lust for material possessions plays no particular role in Yubel's thinking. She'll wear whatever you wish (within reason) if you so dearly wish it, but will she want for more to a deep extent? Not likely, unless she's been possessed or mentally shifted. It's just not in Yubel's being to be materialistic.

Strengths: Yubel is your ideal fighter type. She is not afraid to come out swinging her fists or any blunt force object at your head. She's also not afraid of shouting, pouting, fidgeting, and drawing attention to herself. She's shameless in regards to how people perceive her, and if someone is negative towards her, chances are, unless you are Juudai, she doesn't give a damn. Her strength at the greatest caliber lies within her self confidence. Yubel doesn't give a grade A damn if someone is hurling threats and insults at her person--she won't back down unless she is mentally compromised in the heat of a fight.

Weaknesses: Yubel can be incredibly headstrong to the point of vehement disagreement and rebellion. She doesn't change her mind so easily and sometimes she can hold a mean grudge that lasts centuries (I am not exaggerating) and onwards. She bites and she claws and can be downright cruel and unreasonable when she's in a bad mood. If she's having a bad day you will be well aware and perhaps even used partly as a punching bag at which for her to throws barbs.


Action/Journal Sample: Dear Mun sample.
RP Sample: here we are.
Have you read the rules & F.A.Q.s? yep. paopu ice cream.

ooc, application

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