► Let's get the obvious out of the way first. Stay IC, stay friendly, and stay active.
Talk to the mods if you need us and
see here for activity check requirements.
► There is no age minimum here, but label everything with the appropriate rating and content. Let's behave like adults, yes?
► Be respectful of sensitive topics such as race, religion, gender identity, pregnancy, drug use (including alcohol), rape, sexuality, and so on. You know where the boundaries are. Please respect them and include extra-textural warnings on potentially triggering content.
► Fourth walling is allowed only with permission from the other players involved and specific canon precedent. Please refrain from too much fourth walling for the lulz; while the people in that canon at that time might be okay with it, future applicants might not be. OOC comfort is more important than IC shenanigans.
► Character allowance policies include: no original characters; AUs and duplicates on a case by case basis. AUs will be judged more stringently than plain canon incarnations, and duplicates more stringently yet. We expect there to be sufficient differentiation while not betraying the spirit of the character. If you intend to apply for either an AU or a duplicate and aren't sure whether you'd meet this (admittedly and intentionally vague) requirement, consider using the
potential applications post.
Applying for Psychonauts canon characters is allowed and definitely encouraged, but can only be done with previous discussion with the mods. Despite appearances, there is an underlying plot going on and you'd be required to work with them on it to various degrees depending on who you apped. Also keep in mind that Psitanium is set ten years after the end of the game. That said, though, we would be overjoyed to have you!
► Character death in the real world is STILL ACTUAL DEATH so don't enact this unless you're prepared to drop someone and re-app them without any memories of their previous time here.
► Ask, ask, ask! Are you sensing a trend here? Simply asking the other players before doing something will prevent all forms of godmoding and infomoding. They're both bad. As this is a game based on psychic powers (which includes telepathy, notably), this rule is doubly important here.
► Do not delete comments; keep logs of any controversial behavior; and overall, talk to the mods if you need anything. We're here to help and to facilitate easy play. Make use of us. ;)
► And finally, for the love of god, we would love it if you tagged your entries. Thank you.