So I joined
draco_asteria because if I am going to be writing about them I might as well make my scribblings available to those who would like to read them. Who knows I might actually get reviews! :-) Anyway I entered the drabble challenge this week. I can't tell you which one it is but I encourage you to head over there to show support. You can't tell who voted for which one so if you don't think that mine is the most fantabulous then I can't hunt you down with a pick axe. Which is good to know I think.
Also any recs of LJ coms to do with Draco or post DH fic would be good. It is very frustrating to be back in a Harry Potter mood when everyone else on your flist is going: "God that is so, like, two years ago. Come on TV is the place to be now."
Also give me a character that I write and I will give you ten facts about them from my personal canon. It might be fun.