Why, Moffat? Why?

Nov 21, 2011 23:46

So there are these Doctor Who Webisodes that have just been released.

Bad Night & Good Night
First Night & Last Night

And, well, I love them. I love them to small, shiny chunks of awesomeness. They basically hit my one huge kink - people talking to each other about their feelings, or at least not talking about them in interesting ways - right bang on the head.

But what I don't understand is why, why in the name of all the fannish Gods, did Steven Moffat choose to not put this delightfulness in the actual show. I don't mean these actual scenes. They work very well as small, contained shorts. But, the feeling behind it, those little character moments that mean so much and take so little time, the relationship building and maintaining, why was that not in the past two seasons? I feel as if the show has just been saying 'Oh, Amy and the Doctor are best friends', but these little shorts actually showed me why, and how that worked.

doctor who

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