Turning against myself...

Oct 30, 2005 01:02

Haley says I am changing, and she doesn't like what I am becoming. She says I am trying to be like Johnny Depp in the move Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. ??? I think it is because of the glasses I bought but I just like those glasses, is it a crime? not a big deal. But what am I becoming? She says that I am never myself, that I am just trying to become what I see in the movies... and in a way I suspose I am, I mean, aren't we all???
But once again in my life I feel there is something missing, I can't explain what, maybe its my creativity. Well its something I know. I'm not as energetic as I used to be, I think life has got the better of me, and I want it back. I sick of being stressed out, im tired of being tired, I hate time slippng by me without me accomplishing what I had expectations for.
There are some movies that make us cry, smile, think, and motivate us. Why? Do they touch close to home, do we feel a personal connection between the characters and ourselves? Of course we do, people make movies about life experiences (well most of them do) and we my friends are experiencing life. now.
I am the movies. I don't think of movies as movies, I think of them as new and old experiences. Am I becoming the movie? probably. the don't see the line between movies and reality. If I feel like dressing up as Darth Vader then you'll probly know that I am feeling very confident, powerful, and angry on that particular day.
Everybody is the movies. We all want to be known, to be remembered.
But I don't want to be an actor, I don't want to be famous, I want to be more.

So yes, I am changing. I don't want to be the person I was before, known as a drugged up loser.
I want to be more.
I want to be legendary.
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