Mar 28, 2007 19:46
Hok, so....once you are tagged you MUST write a blog entry about your 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. in the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged.
1. I take a dump almost everyday at work. I flush immediately after, and then again after wiping, to minimize the smell.
2. Everytime I take a shower, I wash my body in the same order: chest and stomach, legs, arms and back, and then private areas.
3. I have recently noticed I give the thumbs up to people frequently. Especially to my subordinates. I wish I wasn't that lame.
4. I don't like to talk in the mornings before work. At all. Just ask Heather. (althought for some reason nick is still immune to this... we'll see how long that lasts.)
5. I have recurring dreams that I can breath underwater. After the first moment of panic, they are very soothing.
6. I have always somehow envisioned myself as a male (somehow I still have a vagina and like to sleep with boys -- this is not a conflict of interests in my head). I think this is a way to protect myself from the negative opinion society and myself hold of girls as being cloying, ditsy, conniving, bitchy, boring, incapable, over-emotional, insincere, with low self-esteem. When I think of myself as a girl, I am surprised sometimes that people like me.
I tag only Ana, because Dan has already tagged everyone else who reads my livejournal.