Oct 28, 2009 16:16
I was trying to check out of the BX this afternoon, and a surely cashier was bitching.
"Friends aren't anything but trouble, only cause you pain and and just a waste of time.' He continued on a bit about how -many- friends he had and in the end held up his hand and said 'I can only count my true friends on one hand!'
Smiling as I handed him my cash I nodded. "Same here, and I'm happy with it. I'd rather have true friends, then a thousand and some people I barely know."
This just made me think of one of my dearer friends. Fi. I knows I dun know you RL side, or at least face to face, but you've helped me through a few really nasty times. You've been able to offer suggestions to difficult moments in life, especially when it came to my... family... and my kids. More over- You're always good for a laugh and for putting up with me when I start asking questions no one else seems to be able to manage to answer for me.
I've known you almost three years now and I can happily say I don't regret any of that time. So... Thanks for being awesome, the goofy hat, a shitton of tears turned into laughter and a little bit of wisdom.
Happy Birthday!