...Seriously. It takes four separate appnt's at four separate doctors to tell me that I'm pregnant... AFTER I'm the size of a fuggin beachball...
Idiots and the gift of giving headaches. Ahh I love'em.
Well- They did do me SOME good. They scheduled my US for tomorrow... and they checked my blood pressure. Which is apparently rather low for a normal person much less a pregnant woman. Huh. Odd? I dunno.
I think it just means that I'm finally living right and not stressing as much.
The bad news? I have to be turned into a pin cushion tomorrow after the Ultrasound... and get 7 mo. of blood work done all in one sitting. WOO!
...And I really -REALLY- hate needles...
And so do my boys.
And they have to watch mommy getting stuck like a fat pig at a roast tomorrow.
.... This will be FUN!
Added for Fi-
Moon Set-
http://www.moonlightmysteries.com/pendants/moonset01.htmlSun Set-