Trading swigs from a bottle, all bitter and clean

Dec 31, 2021 22:04

I had all this ambition of doing a real entry, and then things went a bit to shit. I'm tired all the time. The house still floods. Work is bad. Everyone around me keeps having medical crises. Big things, and little things-- my mouth feels constantly raw at the edges, and the skin at the corner of my lips keeps splitting and not healing in sync, first one side, then the other. As soon as one side finally closes, the other one's all fucked. It makes smiling (and annoyingly and much more importantly, eating potato chips) difficult, and seems uncomfortably metaphorical.

And yet. I can work remotely so I don't need to wake up at fuck o clock in the morning every day. I have a house. I have a job. I have a new Star Wars show to nitpick with my friends. I've been very lucky with my health, and so far (knock on wood) my loved ones have also all come through, and we're mostly all vaccinated.

I would have really preferred not to have had as much involvement with scrotal gangrene as I have this year, but I suppose one must look at it as a learning opportunity.

And there are good moments. Today I saw the Van Gogh immersive exhibition, and it was worth the price, very much so. It's hard to sit in a giant room, surrounded by moving projections of his sunflowers and fields and crabs and birds and stars and skies, and not feel happy about being suffused in beauty and art. The exhibit also incorporates music and excerpts from his letters and quotes. And he said so many thoughtful things, and Van Gogh was brilliant, but I can't believe the one quote from near the end of his life-- the sadness will last forever.

It doesn't. It won't.

Happy Year Year, everybody. See you on the flip side.
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