Dear Author letter for ALL CAPS Exchange 2017

Jul 01, 2017 23:06

So, here's my Dear Author letter for ALL CAPS Exchange. I, um, heavily cribbed from the one I did last year.

First of all, thank you! I really appreciate that you're writing this, and I will look forward to it so much! I'm not sure how much info you're looking for, but here are my strongest likes/dislikes, some pairing-specific thoughts, and some more general info.

I Don't Like:

Super angsty stuff. I'm a Caps fan, okay? Basically, that means my existence is already pain, so I try to avoid wallowing in it for fic.

Cheating and partner/teammate betrayal. I'm not against people being dicks, but I really hate it when a player is, like, unnecessarily or over the top characterized as a dick or Evil Evil So Very Evil. (I'm sure some players are dicks in real life, because the world is full of dicks, but I'd rather err on the non-super-dickish side of things. Basically, just not fond of character bashing.)

Straight up non-con. This relates to the partner/teammate betrayal, because I can't see most of these guys doing it to each other. I'm not against non and dub-con in RPF fic in certain contexts, but I'd prefer not to see it in any of my selected pairings for this exchange.

Background other team pairings. I'd like the focus to stay on the Caps. (I mean, that's the point of the exchange!) So, unless it's incredibly vital and relevant to the plot, I'm really not into (even in passing) mention of, say, background Toews/Kane, or Benn/Seguin, or anyone from the Penguins, or whatever. Other Caps background pairings are fine. Basically, just keep it in-team, if that's okay?

Always-a-girl genderswap. Sorry, this one's a specific thing-- always-a-girl just doesn't work very well for me in hockey RPF unless it's in very specific circumstances. I like it in other fandoms, not so much here.

Over the Top Woobification/Whump/Infantilization/Space Toaster. This is a little more difficult to articulate because it's so subjective to some people. Here's the fanlore entry on Woobies. I hate sounding like a grump but... look, most of these players, even the smaller ones, are still built like brick shithouses, and they whack at other people with sticks for a living, and are mostly competent at it. And yes, some of them aren't huge or physical. Some of the younger dudes are just that-- younger guys still growing, with the in-process physical and emotional maturity you might expect.

Basically, it's the over the top factor that I care most about. H/C is fine; angst and struggles and journeys and overcoming shit is fine; fluff is fine; just don't dip too deep into "Ohhh, Player X is such a smol, cute kitten, I'm gonna have him manhandled and smacked around by all the goons and he's gonna be so self conscious about how Player Y can never love him."

I Do Like:

Lots of stuff, really. Everything else is on the table.

One of my bulletproof tropes is weird shit that forces people to deal with bizarre stuff in a rational way, like figuring out how players deal with transforming into a eagle, or body swap, or whatever. I especially like it when you see the different dynamics of people, like the ones who just roll with it, and the ones who freak out, and the ones who end up being surprisingly good at dealing with it, or what have you.

Other things I like include: Humor. Hockey hugs. Five Times fics. Magical realism. Odd Couple dynamics. Affection. Food. Wacky hijinks. Social media wars amongst the players. Prank wars. All Star Games. The Winter Classics. Frank discussions of hair and beard care. Rookie rituals.

The Cap group chat thing is wonderful and I would love to read about that as a factor or thing in any of the requested pairings. The different dynamics in the team of being a big family. Facing down and spitting in the face of all the dumbass narratives that people like to throw at the Caps.

Look, I just want the Caps to be happy. Happiness + the Caps is my ultimate OTP and kink and life goal. Being a fan for the team that had a player who all too often got cast as the villain/antagonist in early fandom, and gets the short end of the stick in comparison to Good Canadian Boys is kinda rough.

The specific pairings and kinks:

Nicklas Backstrom/Alexander Ovechkin

My OTP, and the pairing that I am FOREVER BITTER is not a juggernaut in hockey RPF because they DAMN WELL DESERVE TO BE SINCE THEY ACTUALLY HAVE CRAZY AMOUNTS OF REAL LIFE CHEMISTRY/INTERACTION/PARTNERSHIP. (I am... not very subtle about this. If you follow my tumblr, you're probably aware of how I've been passive-aggressively trying to force fandom to love them as much as I do.)

As for specific stuff to write about? I am a stone cold sucker for the whole team parents thing, with Ovi and his Russian ducklings, and Nicky and his Swedish crew, and the Brobeans, and the outcome of happily blended families. The transformation over time of them being the babies of the team together into getting older and becoming the team parents and leaders. I love reading about how different they are and how that makes them work so well together. I love Woke Up Married fic, and One Of Them Realizes 'We Are Essentially Married' fic, and hey, I'm even up for soulbond fic.

I really love fic about their time together in the KHL on Dynamo, since they basically were the Married Couple of the NHL and the KHL. Their ongoing prank wars on each other. Pre-game rituals and superstitions, since they're both pretty close-mouthed about what they do. Both of them are very proud of their nationalities and cultural backgrounds, and I'd love to see them exchange or teach each other about it, (Like, I dunno, the Swedish love for coffee vs. the Russian love for tea, or drinking games, or whatever) and appreciate that in each other.

In terms of specific kinks, I do have some bulletproof things that delight me. Ovi is such an exuberant person and with his wrecking ball style play and physicality, that for a long time, I think the majority of his fandom characterization made him out as Toppy McTopson and super dominant and kind of a caveman.

So, I really like fic (and sex) that deliberately turns that on its head and reverses it, because Ovi's always struck me as someone that's up for a lot of stuff, and will try just about anything as long as it's fun and feels good. And there's such a dearth of it out there-- basically, I love reading about and prefer Ovechkin as the nontraditional sub/bottom, and it goes particularly well with Backstrom, the cool, quiet, observational guy who knows exactly how to direct him or take him apart. So Ovechkin who's such a leader on the ice deliberately giving up control or being the one taken care of-- because face it, he's always the first one to get the criticism and take a bullet for the team-- getting some TLC and being able to let him guard down is something I love. Not only in the bedroom reversal thing; I like fic that explores moments when Ovechkin is quiet and thoughtful and intelligent, and Backstrom gets to be devious and goofy and have some fun. No one ever suspects the Swedish Inquisition the quiet ones.

Also, clothes sharing, and sex half in or half out of clothes and/or equipment has always been a thing I like for them, particularly if it's a specific kind of clothes that's doing it for one or both of the parties.

Mike Richards/Alexander Ovechkin

You know, despite the narrative some people liked to push about the hate-rivalry between Crosby and Ovechkin, for a long time, Ovechkin and Richards actually did seem like they legitimately hated each other. Fun fact: Ovi's first ever fight was with, you guessed it, Mike Richards. Whenever the Caps played the Flyers, they went out of their way to hit each other, and this actually continued with Richards on the Kings for the first couple years. There was also the eyefucking in the Caps-Flyers Verizon commercial.

So, I mean, I would love anything about the transition from enemies/opponents to friends/teammates/lovers. Hatefucking is totally on the table. But it doesn't have to focus on either end of that transition; you wanna just start with them being teammates/friends, that's also fine. They really have a lot in common. Both captained teams constantly cast as villains/rivals against St. Sidney of the Maritimes and his flightless chodes! They both love dogs! They both have a black lab that they dote over! They both have experience with being shat on by the media and thrown under the bus! They both love to hit! They have varying degrees of enthusiasm for fishing! (I mean, I still think Backstrom is Ovechkin's soulmate, and Alex Semin probably has the runner up spot, but Mike Richards has a credible argument for at least getting in the conversation, in a weird way.)

I have a weird soft spot for Mike Richards, and I know there's a lot of room for angst in writing about him, but I genuinely want things to turn out okay and happy for him in the end. I think Ovi could help.

Justin Williams/Alexander Ovechkin

I'm always interested in fic that's about the preconceptions, misconceptions, or general impressions that players have about each other before they actually end up being teammates, and how these are either correct, incorrect, turned on their head, or whatever. Justin Williams coming from the Kings to Ovechkin's Capitals seems like it would have a lot of interesting baggage or thoughts the either of the players of might have on each other, particularly with their leadership roles. For Justin and Ovi, they both also seem like goofy dudes who like to tease and are natural flirts, so stuff about them taking each other's measures and maybe teasing turns to flirting turns to an ongoing thing? Giving each other shit over the disallowed goals? Dancing? Ovi calling JWills "Mr. Perfect", which still cracks me up all the time?

I am always on board with stuff about their hair, too. They have legendary hair. I mean, Ovi's is kind of legendarily terrible, but it's still legendary.

In terms of kink, preferences on Ovechkin being on the bottom or as a sub run to either of the Williams and the Richards pairings as well, same as in the Backstrom/Ovechkin notes. Look, Ovi deserves more dick but in a good way for once. I also kinda like the idea of biting and hickies; do with that what you will.

Karl Alzner/John Carlson

Real Life Karl Alzner, you almost didn't get selected because you had to go and be a dick and give those backhanded comments as you signed with the Habs, but whatever, I'm sure I'll get over that so you still made the cut. I GUESS.

Anyway, so, Carlzner. THEY HAVE A PORTMANTEAU, THEY HAVE WORN SHIRTS THAT DISPLAY THEIR PORTMANTEAU, IT ASTOUNDS ME THEY HAVE LIKE ZERO FIC. But seriously, just a season or two ago, Carlznerson was the defense pairing that never got broken up. They're great friends who came up from the Hershey Bears together; they were the Caps Roomies before Latta and Wilson came onto the scene, together on the road and on the ice, and they used to just hang out a lot. I mean, they did commercials together; they're total bros. I would love fic in the vein of friends becoming lovers, or a Friends With Benefits That Becomes More relationship, or just plain realizing they want to fuck/date each other. Bonus if it includes their time as Bears, as Caps road roomies, or taking the piss out of each other with their Canada vs. America backgrounds. (Bets based on the Olympics? On Worlds?)

If you want some specific kinks, blowjobs and oral sex, because John Carlson's mouth, damn. Also, uh. Look. If you can write Karl Alzner jacking off into John Carlson's hair, or on his face, or BOTH, I will love you forever because I've wanted that in a fic for years now.

Other thoughts in general:

Either complete omission or glossing-over/general mention of real life player family members or significant others is fine, whichever you're more comfortable with. If I had to pick a preference, I'd say I lean towards omission, because I think it's easier for everyone. (I, um, once received a fic in another RPF fandom where the main character's entire family was unceremoniously killed off in the first paragraph, so I feel like I need to say, please don't do that, you can just leave them out.)

I'm not an angsty person. That doesn't mean I only want fluff! But I definitely would prefer humor and happy endings to pining and soul-crushing angst. Like, H/C is fine as long as there's equal amounts of C, you know? I have a preference towards real life situations as opposed to completely different (non-hockey) AUs, but if you have a great AU idea, go for it. If you could still keep hockey in as a factor, that would be great.

Explicit sex is fine; semi-explicit sex is fine; fade to black sex is fine; no sex at all is fine. Again, please go with your comfort level. (But, if you want to be explicit, hey, I so won't stop you.)

Please feel free to cruise my tumblr and livejournal tags for any other insight. I have anonymous comments on my lj and anonymous asks enabled on my tumblr, if you need to check in with me. I promise, I will probably be happy with whatever you write. Thanks again!

john carlson, rpf, fic exchange, nicklas backstrom, alexander ovechkin, mike richards, karl alzner, writing, justin williams

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