Up yours, Zoidberg! Up wherever your species traditionally crams things!

Apr 15, 2015 10:58

Yesterday, I found out my cousin is getting divorced in a extremely complicated situation that basically involves a transgender murder plot, and it put my own life's issues in sudden perspective. Suddenly, being anxious over playoff hockey seemed a very slight burden to bear, in the grand scheme of things.

I thought it was past time for a music post. So, here is a music post.

Organized themes are for chumps. Mp3s are for testing purposes only, delete after 24 hours or you might get hit in the head by a playoff puck.

Iron Maiden - The Wicker Man. I'm kind of glad the Caps are using the end of this for their goal song, now. One must sample the right sort of lyrical "Whoa-oh" for such a important function. What if you accidentally use a "Woo-ooh" instead and it doesn't fit? Perish the thought.

Your time will come, your time will come
Your time will come, your time will come

Rob Zombie - Ging Gang Gong De Do Gong De Laga Raga. Nonsensical title and weirdo lyrics aside, Rob Zombie music is excellent for blasting in the car to pump yourself up for just about any situation. Uneasy about visiting the dentist? Crank up the Zombie, man. (You may end up biting your dentist out of sheer high Rob Zombie-inspired spirits, which I have now officially warned you against doing, which gets me off the hook altogether.)

They call me Shindig Johnny Punk
A regular ghost face peepshow funk

Moby - Flower. I like working out editing to this music. Gets me into a groove and the repetitive lyrics don't distract me from the words.

Bring Sally up and bring Sally down
Lift and squat, gotta tear the ground

Robert Palmer - Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor). For whatever reason, the first time I heard it, I was vaguely drunk and I devised this whole complicated backstory where the singer is singing directly to the doctor, who is another dude in my head, kind of a gangly but cute med student, and they have this whole wrong side of the tracks romance thing going on. I can't be held accountable for the way my brain functions on gin.

Doctor, doctor give me the news
I've got a bad case of lovin' you

Awolnation - Hollow Moon (Bad Wolf). I'm actually not usually an Awolnation fan, so it surprised me that I ended up liking this song so much. It may have just been spillover affection for other wolf-related media, such as Werewolves of London, and Barry Trotz's wolf quotes.

I've been running from it all my lifetime
There's nothing wrong with you, I'm searching for my right mind

Modest Mouse - Lampshades on Fire. And on the other side of the spectrum, I am often a Modest Mouse fan, so I was looking forward to this song before it came out. It has that weird manic energy that I associate with them and like so much.

Well, the lampshade’s on fire when the lights go out
The room lit up and we ran about
Well, this is what I really call a party now
Packed up our cars, moved to the next town

Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe. I have no excuse or reason for putting this song here except it viciously earwormed me a while ago, and I was so goddamn annoyed by that, I want to spread the misery and figure at least one person will download it out of curiosity and be stricken in turn.

If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe
I'd been married long time ago

Queen - Killer Queen. Queen is classic. You can't go wrong with Queen. Always a good note to end on. Also, I promised myself I would limit myself to one sentimental Louise reference in this entry, so this will serve. The song reminds me of her.

She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind

I feel like I need something to segue between the music post and after the lj cut, so here is a brief conversation about skeletons and a picture of Alex Ovechkin. They are unrelated.

ThorneScratch: Can I ask you something weird and personal that you can totally refuse to answer if you want?

twigcollins: god yes
this isn't about that thing I have in the closet is it
because that's TOTALLY NOT MINE
ricardo is a liar
I'm just saving it for someone else

ThorneScratch: dude
If I didn't ask about the body that WASN'T just a skeleton
you can bet I'm not going to care about the newest one

In further updates on my workplace bathroom situations! A brief story:

So the lights in our floor's bathroom are motion-sensitive and go off if nothing in there moves for a good amount of time-- I dunno, at least ten minutes. I walked in and they were dimmed off, and then immediately came on as I came in. So I'm alone, I thought. But, NOPE. Someone in the last stall immediately starts rustling about, and in fact, still had not emerged by the time I finished, washed my hands, and left. Which meant they had to either:

1. Be in there long enough with minimal movement so the lights went out So, either sleeping, crying, really long shit, etc.

2. Were somehow ninja enough to get in there in the first place without setting off the sensors. (I then immediately emailed Twig, Lunar, and Flidget to ask them about the possibility of bathroom ninjas, as they were currently in Japan and probably had firsthand experience to answer with.)

I thought about lingering outside the bathroom to sate my curiosity, but in the end, I prefer to keep the mystery alive.

work, hockey, music, aim conversation, music post, alexander ovechkin

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