You loved me as a loser but now you're worried that I just might win

Apr 28, 2012 03:56

So, hockey. Once again, pretty much everyone in the media is predicting a New York series win over the Caps, so... I dunno. I've had two glorious days of being happy, and now it's back to nerve-wracking fear, and who knows. Like the first round, I'll wait until this one's over, and then go forward. If nothing else, though, thie entire first round ( Read more... )

hockey, wip, pictures, braden holtby, alexander ovechkin, house, alexander semin, fanfic

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forsweatervests April 28 2012, 20:25:11 UTC
Ah, well then: "Adulthood means you have to be the one to jab the garbage can with a broom to make sure an overgrown furball isn't currently living inside it."

Better late than never, right?


thorne_scratch April 29 2012, 03:16:42 UTC
Look, man, these are no ordinary raccoons! These fuckers are HUGE!

I mean, I feel like I should have been given some kind of work-your-way-up-to-it course, that started with, I dunno, possums or something. Jumping right to raccoons seems very stressful.


forsweatervests April 29 2012, 08:07:52 UTC
...Did you forget to sign up for Intro to Homeowning: What Is That Sound In My Walls? I cannot believe the bank screwed up your paperwork like that. See, we start with raccoons and work our way down. For some reason, people deal better with raccoons than they do rats or cockroaches. Now you're going to have to re-take The Kitchen Sink: What's Really Down There and How To Clean The Bathroom 242 before you can move on to any of the advanced seminars. I hear Why Are All My Plants Dead and Weekend Warriors and Emergency Room Tales are both filling up really quickly.


thorne_scratch April 30 2012, 12:57:58 UTC
MY VERY FIRST WEEK OWNING THE HOME I FOUND DEAD BIRDS IN MY WALL IT WAS SO CREEPY. I thought I had written that event up? If I haven't, I really need to. I have not made myself confront my inexplicable attic noises. No good ever comes of investigating attic noises, seriously. It's like a basic fact of life.

I have take the crash course on the Kitchen Sink (turned out pumpkin innards don't mix well with sinks); I am auditing the Plant class, and I am motherfucking TEACHING that emergency room class. Heh.


forsweatervests April 30 2012, 22:07:53 UTC
IDK, (MY BFF JILL?) but it sounds like fun times. And smells. Definitely fun smells.

You know, I'd rather be a homeowner than a renter. As a renter, any time something goes wrong I have to wait for the landlord to call someone or to get over here or whatever. If I owned this place? I'D BE ALL OVER THAT SHIT. I would immediately be ON THE PHONE, demanding the plumber get his butt over here, or I'd be at the hardware store picking up some more washers or what-the-fuck-ever I needed. I'm something of a type A when it comes to my possessions, and also an amateur home improvement fanatic. Maybe.

Are there MORE emergency room tales??


thorne_scratch May 1 2012, 14:33:53 UTC
I'll dig through my notes and throw it on the journal one of these days.

You say that, and I thought the same, but it's so totally not as easy as all that. For one thing, uh, you have to PAY for all those repairs. And the materials. And take time off to call around and get a repairman in, whom you're often at the mercy of, schedule-wise. So then you probably need to take off work to get the dude in there. And sometimes, then they CAN'T fix it, and you get exorbitantly billed for him coming over, AND you have to buy a new appliance, so. By the end of it, mass-murder often seems the only option.

God, are there ever not? Though the last time we went on a hospital run was probably... gosh, not since January or February. So that's good! We've had at least two months that were hospital free!


forsweatervests May 1 2012, 14:54:39 UTC

Yeah, funnily enough, I'm still the one who has to call for the repairman and go pick up the parts and be at home for him to come over and wait for the delivery of the new appliance. The only thing I *don't* do is pay for the damn thing, thank god. The pain in the ass part is that on top of all this, I have to wait for the landlord to make it over here, try everything I've tried, and then make a decision that I could have made 12 hours or 2 days ago.

Mass murder might be the way to go, it sounds like.

Ohh, and you were *this close* to winning their Most Frequent Visitors award! Well, maybe next time.


thorne_scratch May 1 2012, 17:53:32 UTC
Ick. Yeah, that does suck. I have no idea how this works in Spain. The only thing I can offer is that seriously, not having to pay for it is still way better than having a heart attack when the dude tells you just how much it will cost to make your air conditioning start working again. Well, good luck with your trek for a new rug and washer, especially on the trip to Ikea! Dangerous place, Ikea.

I KNOW. Funny thing is, every time she goes, Louise comes home with more pills splitters and hospital blankets that they give away gratis. I have told her she needs to stop collecting them; it is going to get cluttered.


forsweatervests May 1 2012, 18:28:17 UTC
I don't know if it's a Spanish thing or it's just a this-landlord thing. My situation's a little funny, because our actual landlord lives in Malta, so his friend is the encargado (literally the one "charged" with the place) and he's who we deal with all the time. He doesn't even get a cut of the rent, so I feel absolutely terrible when we have to call him and have him come help out. But! Then we have to wait for Juan to contact José Manuel (the owner) and so on and so on. Luckily our problem today was solved pretty quickly. Keep your fingers crossed for me about the washer's hose - I can live with getting lost in IKEA. Again. ::cough:: (That place is SO dangerous; you're completely right. Next time I'm bringing a camping backpack and some canned food to last me a few days.) I can't live with leaving my roommates to deal with the fallout from my stupid mistake.

Oooh, free blankets. Always a plus! Remember, if you have too many of those, I'm sure a ton of hospice homes would love them. Wow, that got sad quickly.


thorne_scratch May 9 2012, 12:22:48 UTC
Ooh, that sounds intriguingly sketchy. Yeah, I can't deal with Ikea; I always get lost somewhere in the bedding area and stumble out, muttering vaguely about meatballs and allen wrenches, and basically am no good for the rest of the day afterwards. It is traumatizing!

Eh, they are small and kind of scratchy. I wouldn't inflict them on people in hospice; they deserve better. We actually end up using them as pet blankets a lot of the time. The dog loves them.


forsweatervests May 9 2012, 21:54:29 UTC
It works out well, currently...well. It didn't work out well for the dishwasher. But for everything else it's been decent.

Ugh, IKEA. For some people, it's wonderful, and I just don't get it. Why do I have to walk through everything when I already know what I want?? It takes *so* much more time and always means I can't find what it was that I wanted, and leave really frustrated.

They must be for the dogs visiting hospice. I know my aunt's dog was *very* happy with the blankets when we took her to visit my grandmother.


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