I'll save my bread and take it with me, 'til a hundred years or so

Sep 11, 2009 01:59

Dear Joe Wilson and the majority of the Republican party,


No love,

No, seriously. What the fuck, people? Next thing you know, we're totally going to be throwing down like the South Korean parliament, and the last thing you'll see in this life is Nancy Pelosi coming at you with a gavel and a murderous glint in her eye. And no-one will feel sorry for you. Remind me to stick to novels and never to read the paper on the airplane again; I get wicked annoyed and I have nowhere to release the annoyance, so it ends up where I sit there and the typical air-travel annoyances combine with political stupidity to the point where I throw a rage-embolism at thirty thousand feet over San Francisco.

Which is where I am right now, by the way. Though on the ground, now.

Last week, I went to Ocean City; next week, I may be in New Orleans. Further updates as events warrant. (To be honest, it makes me vaguely uneasy when people know where I am and what I'm doing, to the point where being on a reality show would probably be my eighth greatest fear in life. Fortunately, the chances of that happening are next to zero, leaving the previous seven slots open for more realistic fears.) I'm attending a wedding on Saturday, and then faffing about for a couple days before going home.

Ocean City was a good time, even if it was just for two days. I don't feel complete until I've stood on the sand and smelled the air and gotten knocked off my ass by a wave. I'm trying to get down to a beach here by Saturday, so I can have been in both the Atlantic and Pacific within the same week. I like walking on the beach at night, especially when the moon is full, and all you're aware of is a great roaring darkness.

Last week, I was also so annoyed with work-related issues, that I said "fuck it," and took Friday off to go hiking around Great Falls. I had a glorious time climbing the rocks, and ate lunch with my feet in the water, where I also engaged in illicit fish pedicure acts. (Though I think it may only be illegal if you pay for it. Which doesn't really make it sound any better, does it.) At one point, I had to hastily remove my feet to allow for the passage of a good-sized water snake, but we don't get cottonmouths here, so that was no worry.

We do get copperheads in the area, so I keep an eye out for those. The only other poisonous snake in the area is the timber rattlesnake, which actually has my favorite designation of Crotalus horridus horridus. Horridus horridus, man. You get the impression that it is not a popular snake.

The bald eagle wasn't out where I could see him, but there were numerous blue herons and turkey buzzards flapping about. Most of the buzzards were circling, but one did come down to land only a few feet away from me, obviously hoping very much that I was some kind of new carrion, and being terribly disappointed that I was still moving. We gave each other the eyeball until he flew off in search of something deader. (While looking up something else on wikipedia, I ran into this little jewel: Like storks, the Turkey Vulture often defecates on its own legs, using the evaporation of the water in the feces and/or urine to cool itself, a process known as urohydrosis. This has been your fun and slightly disturbing fact for the day.)

Only saw a couple of deer grazing. Most of them are reasonably mellow right now; they won't go into rut until Novemberish, so there's not as much worry of them going batshit crazy and, like, charging. A lot of the does fawned late this year, so I've been seeing fawns all summer. Oh, second fun and slightly disturbing fact of the day: in times of starvation and hardship, does can re-absorb their fetuses for up to four months into the pregnancy. After four months, biology swings in favor of the fetus instead of the mother, and the nutrients divert to the fetus, but damn. That's cool. And more than a little creepy. I kind of love biology sometimes; life is hilariously cruel.

I have yet to see the Supernatural premiere because my relatives bought tickets to the San Francisco symphony for us this evening, and I couldn't quite bring myself to fake illness to get out of it and stay home to watch it on the television. The downloaded episode is sitting on my laptop; I'll just have to sneak away at some point tomorrow to watch it, so I can read the explosion of entries about it.

Twig sent me this link to Drunk People Yoga Positions a while ago, which I think is an apt closer for the entry. Good night. Have a peaceful September 11th. Unless you're a health care reform heckler, in which case you can eat a bag of dicks.

meatworld, politics, travel logs

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