I said maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me

Apr 13, 2007 00:05

Damn! I didn't pay attention to the clock! Happy late birthday, kaitou1412! I hope you know that you are seriously cool beans. I mean, you are even cooler than the Walrus and Bucket Saga, and that's pretty cool. And you're classy to boot, considering all the awesome Regency things you write. And you recap neat things on the History Channel, which I totally appreciate. So, a very happy year to you!

In other news, the pope was named number 73 of the Top 100 Unsexiest Men of 2007. It's not a particularly good list. In fact, it just seems more like a list of "people we don't like, and most of them aren't particularly attractive" and that's not the same thing at all. Still.

Bavarian buzzkill

Popes, by nature of their pope-i-ness, tend to come up short in the sexy department, but the former Cardinal Ratzinger is a step backward even from JP2. There was a certain silver-foxiness to that pontiff. Confession? Guilty as charged!

Ann "Man-Hands" Coulter clocked in at number 80. I kind of feel like the pope should have beaten her, because hey, at least the pope managed to score the oddly-sexy-in-a-craggy-sort-of-way, Monsignor Georg Gänswein as his personal assistant.

It's National Poetry Month or something, isn't it? What better way to celebrate than to download the free poetry tracks on Billy Collins' The Best Cigarette? No way that I can think of.

Bonus: Forgetfulness and The Dead read by Collins and animated in quirky and interesting ways.

Next entry, I will not talk about the pope at all. Probably swimming or New Orleans.

papal hijinks, poetry, billy collins, birthday

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