A heart that's full up like a landfill, a job that slowly kills you

Mar 06, 2007 14:45

I've been following the Walter Reed scandal with great interest.

Real politics )

politics, aim conversation, alcohol

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draegonhawke March 6 2007, 22:48:24 UTC
The politics I've mostly been paying attention to mocking recently is the "TOFU MAKES YOU GAY" argument. Which is kinda hilarious.


thorne_scratch March 6 2007, 22:58:19 UTC
Dude, I saw that tofu story too! God, what people...

I mean, I thought about mentioning Ann Coulter's latest idiocy, but what's the point really? Nothing new there. Might as well go with what's in my own backyard.


draegonhawke March 6 2007, 23:04:16 UTC
thorne_scratch March 6 2007, 23:15:10 UTC
God, I love that icon.

Thanks for the link! Interesting spectrum of reactions there. I wouldn't quite say that no one is taking her seriously anymore and her words mean nothing, but I certainly don't want to give her any more attention than she deserves. If only I had a giant catapult...


draegonhawke March 6 2007, 23:49:31 UTC
I just got home and am listening to Down Under, and... is this a bunch of drunk Russians singing? Is it? Because I think I love it, in a horribly traumatized way. (Like the Silent Hill Dance Party.)


thorne_scratch March 7 2007, 00:03:44 UTC
Oh my God, why is it that, like, the last five videos I have watched on youtube all involved Pyramid Head dancing in some way? That was awesome.

The Down Under song is a cover of a fairly popular Australian tune, performed by, yes, Russians. It replaced the Numa Numa song as the one that is constantly stuck in the back of my head.


draegonhawke March 7 2007, 00:14:25 UTC
Because that is what YouTube is for, man! Dancing Pyramid Head.

I sent the link to rionaloenhart, and I think she's stopped talking to me XD.


thorne_scratch March 7 2007, 01:33:45 UTC
Well, it is a proven fact that everyone in the Silent Hill community likes to git down and dance.


ouri March 7 2007, 00:31:48 UTC
...so wait, how does that explain lesbians? By his arguments, there shouldn't be any such thing because we'd all be girlier-than-girly-girls. O_o (Now mind you, I didn't read past the first few paragraphs because he was making my brain hurt; perhaps he has some witty explanation for that further on.)


draegonhawke March 7 2007, 00:35:19 UTC
It doesn't. Nor does it explain why Asia isn't full of Teh Gay. It's a pretty dumb argument. (We eat soy and have leukemia. THEY MUST BE RELATED!" Never mind the whole, y'know, universe of other environmental factors.)


ouri March 7 2007, 00:38:24 UTC
Sounds like this yutz would get along just great with my favorite "Chiroquacktor" in the area, and all his bogus scare-tactic statistics.


thorne_scratch March 7 2007, 01:36:14 UTC
What do... I mean, what do chiropractors do to try and scare you? This concept is both amusing and confounding me. Do they bring out, like, medieval age racks or Iron Maiden devices that they say they're going to stretch you on?


ouri March 7 2007, 01:40:26 UTC
Oh no, it's "better" than that - he uses skewed statistics to try to make people distrust conventional medicine and believe ONLY in the power of chiropractic to cure everything from backaches to autism.

There are some decent chiropractors out there, ones who see themselves as working with your MD, as a complement (or supplement) to standard medical procedures. I have no issue with them. But the ones who say they're ZOMG YOUR ONLY HOPE TO LIVE...? *snert*


thorne_scratch March 7 2007, 03:42:48 UTC
Ahhh, I see. I figured this dude was, like, jumping out from behind closet doors with a mask on to try and startle you into.... I don't know, signing contracts? My mind goes weird places when I don't check it fast enough.

I hope you got the better of this chiropractor, at any rate! We all know the real healing is totally in acupuncture.


ouri March 7 2007, 11:07:43 UTC
...come to think of it, he may be trying to get some business from whiplash cases (caused by accidents while people are distracted gaping in disbelief/ranting and frothing at his sign).

And I totally wouldn't go to him even if every disc in my spine was subluxated. I mean, that's what my witch doctor is for, right? 8D

That and the whole "Oo ee oo ah-ah" thing.


thorne_scratch March 8 2007, 01:40:50 UTC
I have total faith that you could whip any chiropractor's ass. *waves Ouri flag*

I am charmed by witchdoctors, until they try to shrink my head.


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