It's Christmas time, again

Dec 25, 2006 02:59

Joy to the world! I'm always psyched for hours after going to midnight mass and singing that hymn. Have a graphic and some quick present discussion.

I know I used a picture of the pope in the Santa hat from last year as well, but it was really too good not to use a second time. Seriously. Apologies for unoriginal captioning; I'm not creative at three in the morning on Christmas Eve. Morning. Whatever.

You know, this picture makes me think of that Six to Eight Black Men piece that I mentioned before, that zenkatsuo first showed me. The pope seems to have a couple of his six to eight black men gathered all around him. Any minute now, they're goijng to go pretend to kick someone.

I need to brag about the one box I let myself open before Christmas, because twigcollins said I could. Without further ado--


The picture is only a tenth as awesome as the real thing, because the picture is just the one I swiped from Twig when she was showing off the original pattern she had embroidered. The real thing is on this blood-red velvet pillow with corded edging, and it is glorious. Once I figure out how to work the damn digital camera, it will show up on the livejournal.

And that wasn't even the only thing in the box. I also got a Pope John Paul II Bobblehead Doll!

Now he can sit on my desk-- or on the Pyramid Head Pillow-- and astound the world. What a great Christmas so far. And I still have soranokumo box to come! That has been extremely hard to resist opening, but I figured I needed to do at least one Christmas where I actually opened her box on the intended day.

Anyway. Speaking of presents.

ThorneScratch: Dave Barry did this article on useless/awesome Christmas gifts, and one of them is the toilet monster.

twigcollins: Already, I fear.

ThorneScratch: You put it in your toilet.

twigcollins: o.O

ThorneScratch: And you attach its hands with suckercups to the lid. So, when some unknowing person lifts the toilet to do their thing-- up pops the monster!

ThorneScratch: Toilet monster.

twigcollins: That is horrible. And wonderful.

ThorneScratch: Next, a scooter that is also a cooler. You ride on the cooler part!

ThorneScratch: Riding Cooler


ThorneScratch: Seriously. It took humanity this long to combine the scooter and the cooler?!

twigcollins: We aren't the princes of the universe, whatever Queen might have sung.

ThorneScratch: Finally, a large inflatable spider designed to drop down and scare woodpeckers.

ThorneScratch: Giant Attack Spider for woodpeckers

twigcollins: I want to know what this 'loud sound' is from the spider.

ThorneScratch: Me too. Also, don't woodpeckers usually eat spiders? Isn’t this sort of a weird enemy to pick?

twigcollins: I want to know if it can be hacked to, perhaps, talk like Samuel L. Jackson.

ThorneScratch: …Man. I'd be terrified of an inflatable spider that sounded like Sam Jackson.

twigcollins: Dude, like, the giant spider version of this for humans. A twelve foot high giant spider. You use it to prevent carjackers.

ThorneScratch: Spot on.

In conclusion, I am full of good will. Merry Christmas, or whatever other holiday you want to celebrate. Much, much more to come.

papal hijinks, pictures, christmas

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