And I think I'm clever 'cos I'm singing this to you

Jan 29, 2006 17:04

I do so love me an opportunity to tell rambling stories about the people I know, as prelude to obvious announcements.

You know, I can't actually remember the exact way I met twigcollins. However, I'm pretty sure that I probably ran into her through while looking for something to read and finding ALHR though purest luck. I started to read it, realized that I was probably going to have to clear my appointments for the whole day to read it, and ended up searching out her website to bookmark for later preusal. After finding it and reading what there was of ALHR at the time, I was gleeful because it totally blew away nearly everything else out there, and I resolved to figure out more about the writer.

Thus embarked a quiet period of semi-stalkerdom on my part, where I did several things far too embarrassing to relate here but that the least of which was probably joining a ML that I normally wouldn't have touched with a ten foot pole, just so I could catch the short emails she would send along with her updates. I think I knew her AIM name by this point, but I was far too intimidated to ever say anything. I did send her two fangirly emails, I believe.

Anyway, like, I said, I'm totally not sure at all how we actually ended up talking, but I think we exchanged some IMs now and then, and I told her I liked her pita blog, and she told me to make one as well. This was my freshman year of college, I think. So I did, and it all just sort of went from there. We both found great pleasure in talking about various FFVII aspects, and mocking various FFVIII aspects. I started reading though the rest of her massive original writing projects, and fell hard for several of her original characters. I've no excuse; neurotic angels just do it for me. Fortunately, she lets me put my sticky hands all over her characters and occasionally write them into awkward and mildly incestuous situations.

Then, some time later, we were talking online again while she was at a party. Slightly drunk (or so she tells me), she started outlining this idea she'd had for an original story about a handless sorcerer with oddly Dalmatian-spotted hair-- this was all we knew about Milale at the time-- and would I like to help out on it? Would I, I said, and Pale Sky had its germinating beginnings. The world will eventually know of the story of a tiny, handless, bitchy sorcerer. With funny hair. And when the movie rights are acquired, all will tremble.

Also, we'll possibly have to start stalking actors, but since I've already started stalking professional swimmers and that didn't faze her, I'm quite optimistic.

Since then, she's been a joy to write with and a pleasure to meet in person. She pimps great music, has more entertaining puffer-fish related stories than anyone, appreciates Cloud's ass, mocks Akio with impunity, possibly fights crime on the side with eramundo, and is really just very, very shiny.

So, please join me in wishing a very happy birthday to twigcollins. Twigpants, may this year and all following years bring you happiness, fame, and fortune. Or at least the fortune, because then I think you can probably acquire the other two without too much issue. I mean, look at Paris fucking Hilton. And that'll also let you procure things you like-- pudding, wingies, 1/8th clones, Jude Law, 1/8th winged clones of Jude Law with pudding-- without too much outright criminal activity.

Hmm. So far, I've done origin stories on soranokumo, champignons, and twigcollins. I wonder whose birthday shall next arise that I may be embarrassing over.

Also, you know, Happy Chinese New Year to everyone.

twig, birthday

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