Time, time, time

Jul 29, 2008 11:40

I used to be ashamed of having a website and only being 12. I lied while I was on neopets and said to everyone that asked that I was 18. I don't think they bought it, but it felt like they at the time. My grammar and spelling must have been REALLY awful. XD

I think I was 13 or so when I met Sander or "Edge" as he was called. I was called "Thorn". Duh 8D
I'm not sure though... Time moves way too fast! I found an email from him just now-- it's dated back to 2004, he had found a link with good hosting for my website.

He had a website called Final Fantasy Saiyans, and I refused him when he asked me if I wanted to affiliate with him. I had passed my Dragon Ball loving phase, and refused to like the connection between the games I loved and Dragon Ball.

A while passed, and he added me on msn I think, because I said I wanted to know my affiliates, not just link them.

We got on very well. I gave him music he hadn't heard before.

The 10th August I'll be going to Belgium to spend a week with him in his apartment. He was here in Sweden about 2-3 years ago. I hope everything goes well. I've only been outside my country one time before this, and I'll be going alone. Eep :X
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