Heroes Season 2!

Sep 08, 2009 17:19

I just got back from the library today. Picked up my copy of Heroes: Season 2 and that new anatomy book that's going to help me draw human beings without totally mangling their limbs. Woo. The book looks quite promising; although some of the art doesn't look appealing to my visual tastes, I can adapt the concepts in it to my style and use my Serious Study of Anatomy to impress my teacher. Heroes, however, doesn't look quite as promising.

After I got into Heroes, I was warned by certain sources that after Season 1, the show doesn't just jump the shark; it takes a tremendous bounding leap over it. I've already watched the first two episodes and I'm partway into the third, and I have to say that while there's been a drop in the quality of the writing (and subsequently, my enjoyment of the show), things don't look totally bleak for Season 2. Yet. I mean, if this is as bad as it gets, I can definitely live with that. Nonetheless, I already have a few bones to pick with the writers.

My biggest problem so far is that what I suspect will become one of the major arcs of the season is a bit of a failtastic plot thread. Having a virus that targets only superheroes is all well and good, but Chanti Suresh and Molly Walker had a type of cancer or leukemia, not some kind of exotic virus that only affects sPeShUl sNoWfLaIkS. That was made pretty damn clear in the first season. As a doctor/geneticist, Mohinder should be able to tell the difference between a cancer-causing genetic defect and a virus; I mean, I know next to nothing about genetics or virology, but even I know the two are very different things. Also, if Mohinder dies, the cure will be lost? WTF? I don't want our sexy geneticist dying either, but take samples of his blood and start figuring out a way to replicate the cure. He is, after all, a geneticist. He decoded the formula that identified the speshul snowflaiks; he should be able to figure out how to duplicate the ~majikul cure~ in his blood. He's a geneticist. It's what he does.


I do like that Mohinder and Matt are helping look after Molly together, though. It makes a lot of sense to me, and it's really endearing how those two want to take care of her. Although poor little Molly seems to be having some anger management issues lately. I'm still not sure whether or not the guy who "looks back at her when she looks at him" is Sylar.

Speaking of Sylar - I like where his character is going so far. Although he's really angry about being powerless, I kind of like him this way. Throughout Season 1 the only thing I could really bring myself to dislike about his character, despite the fact that he's a brains-eating psychopath, is that he always runs a risk of hurting my other favourite characters. He seems to be pretty much down for the count as a villian right now. For a minute there when Candice started trying to seduce him, I was really worried they were going to turn him into a fluffy bunny who falls in love with one of my least favourite characters - but no, he killed her instead. :D

Hiro is as adorable as ever, although I feel actually really sad for him because the poor guy can't seem to get any sugar and for some reason I really want him to now. o_o

Peter's storyline is just really "meh" for me at the moment. Waking up shirtless chained up in a shipping crate, wtf? As fun as it is to watch him prance around without a shirt on, I miss old Peter a lot already. I loved his character. I loved his faith and his sort of starry-eyed optimism, which acted as the counterpart to his brother's grim responsibility. That's why I didn't really enjoy seeing Future!Peter in Season 1; I don't want to see Peter all scarred and gnarly and angry and disillusioned; I liked him the way he was. Now, I'm wondering how different Season 2 Peter is from having lost his memory. I know he's probably still the same guy inside, but I'm kind of pissed at him for not opening the box with his info in it and going back to his old life. And I can't see Peter ever genuinely wanting to kill anyone, ever. I don't really mind the Irish chick he's sucking face with at the moment, but they dove way, waaaaay too quickly into that romantic storyline.

Speaking of romantic storylines, the one with Claire and what's-his-face is okay, but only as "okay" as canon pairings get for me, really. I don't mind what's-his-face, but lolreally, a guy who flies? Yeah, I feel like I've seen that somewhere before. o_o It looks like Season 2 Claire has retained a lot of the awesomeness of her Season 1 counterpart. Major props to her for standing up for Random!chick. I'm still a little heartbroken that they split up her and Zach, though. Their friendship was so wonderful and I miss it. :(

The scene where Noah says goodbye to Claire on the first day of eleventh grade was just a tad sappy, but in hindsight, it's sappiness that's well-deserved. These two have gone through a LOT more than most fathers and daughters will ever have to go through together. I love them so, so much. *Sigh*

As for Noah's job in the paper factory - yay for irony. But was it really a smart idea to have him threaten his boss? Yeah, I know the guy was a jerkoff and I like seeing Noah kick some ass, but it's the kind of thing that gets you fired or arrested in the real world, and it was a very dumb thing to do considering how much pressure he's putting on Claire to not draw attention to them. Plenty of love for Jack Coleman, though, and how he had Noah deal with the dude up until that point.

Not much to say about Mikah's new subplot, except that I really hate the fat kid he's living with, and - oh my gosh, is that Nichelle Nichols playing his grandma? Another Star Trek: TOS actor! Sweet! :D (I prefer her Uhura over nu!Uhura, BTW.)

Hmmm, who am I missing... The new kids, Maya and Alejandro, a pair of Spanish twins with a rather interesting set of powers. She accidentally kills people when she bawls; he brings them back to life if he can run in and fix it in time. They're both played by very pretty actors and their brother/sister relationship is sweet; I can't wait to see more of them.

That's it for my updates for today; next time I'll try to post something actually relevant to my real life! xD

interesting, heroes

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