THE OPENING THE ENDING I'm both surprised and not surprised whatsoever that I was able to get my hands on a raw of the first episode. It is everything I expected it to be, which is to say I'm content and satisfied and really, really, excited for the next episode which is where the story actually gets INTERESTING. I totally encourage anyone reading this to hunt down the first episode when subs are out except for the part where having not read the visual novels could leave someone slightly confused and perplexed at why the pacing is so damn breakneck in the first episode. They're just hurrying through the boring stuff okay :(.
Also, my boyfriend totally found a little stray kitten in the bushes late last night. I have only seen a cell phone pic of it, but damn is it a cutie and people finding and caring for stray kittens always makes my heart melt into a puddle. Soooo cuuuuute T^Tb.