Would you like some cheese with that w(h)ine?

Aug 28, 2007 22:49

I am quitting Gamestop! I wonder if maybe it's a stupid thing to do because honestly I've had it pretty good there and get along great with my store manager, but I'm also really tired of the same tiny store after being there a year. Since I'm young I feel like I really should rotate through more entry-level jobs. Which also seems sort of stupid in my head, but whatever. I'll just go work at Barnes & Nobles and still have my Gamestop employee discount. At least until I get a 360.

Community college started last week. I do rather love that I have 17 units and yet a ridiculously light load. Beginning Japanese is way easy for me, Intro to Earth Science is taught by a kick ass teacher who assigns rather light homework, and Critical Reading is... maybe too easy in that I really feel way beyond most of my class who are largely composed of middle-aged women and students whose first language is not English. But oh well. The class is only an hour and fifteen minutes long which is pretty damn short. And then I have an online math class where the only thing I need to do is pass the tests.

I'm finally taking my driver's license test this Friday. I'm pretty sure I'll pass. I honestly don't know why I wouldn't. That will be nice. Orange County is not non-driver friendly and then I'll finally be able to establish a bit more of a social life. I know people willing to hang out with me, now all I need to do is transport myself.

I'm getting kind of tired of not being recognized for my age. Once in a while is one thing, but now that I'm getting older I sometimes feel like the constant mistakes on my age almost make me start to feel like I really am younger. I'm fine with people thinking I'm cute and girlish and whatever, but there are times where I'd like to be recognized for the young woman that I am. I'll be twenty-one soon and once that happens there will be nothing left that I am restricted from because of my age except for senior discounts. I think it's about time to at least be treated a little more like an adult. Sometimes I wonder if I looked more my age if even my parents would maybe treat me a little less like a kid. I'm pretty sure, in a way, that they forget how old I really am sometimes. Though I do think having driver's license will help with that. Once I have that, there is really very little they can do to keep me from doing what I want.

I don't want to grow up completely yet because I am lazy and dislike responsibility, but I do think I'm ready to be a twenty-something-year-old. Unfortunately, this seems to really only mean coming and going as I please since I don't drink and I know I never will which seems to be what people my age do. Not exclusively, but it's a big part of the leisure time. Am I some sort of stick-in-the-mud for having my own quiet little issues with drinking? I struggle with how I feel about this a lot. I hate talking about it and I even feel uncomfortable having problems with it since I have never bothered to give it a go myself. I admit that I have become more comfortable with it and more laid-back with it all and generally have a "if it's not bothering me or negatively effecting me, I really don't care what non fucking idiotic high/middle schoolers do" towards it all and my issues aren't even really about the morals. And even more of it comes from the fact that I hate people as a population (but like them as individuals) and frankly there are tons of really stupid boring young people out there who just get even stupider and more boring when drunk. Which leaves me feeling sort of biased. On the other hand, I know people who do drink, but aren't (usually) stupid about it, so why should I have a problem with it?

I don't know. I always end up making myself feel frustrated and kind of stupid when I try to figure out my feelings on this. I think I'll come back to this issue after my twenty-first birthday. I have a feeling I'll have more contextual evidence to clear my head with by then. I also have no idea how I got on this tangent.

In other news, Persona 3 is like the dating sim I have always dreamed of except it's not a dating sim, and I can't be a girl protagonist and be gay with Aigis. ;O;

BUT I AM DEFINITELY GETTING THIS FIGURINE and touching it inappropriately
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