And took photos. You can click on the photos to see larger versions if you like.
There were only a few aircraft there. The biggest one was this Fokker F50 from Air Iceland. It was in the centre of the display area. I was trying to get a photo of this one for ages, but people kept walking back and forth into my photo and not even noticing what they were doing.
After a while the area is mostly empty when this woman comes walking across with her kid, and the kid stops and turns around to look at the paragliders you can see there. Meanwhile the mother is standing several meters out of frame on the left waiting for her kid. I used the opportunity to shoot this photo, and several more but this one came out the best.
There was a show of aerobatics at that airshow. There was also a biplane with a big engine doing all sorts of stunts, but I'm not happy about how those photos came out. After the guy in the biplane, a retired Icelandair pilot, had finished they towed this here glider into the air an announced that he was going to show some aerobatics as well. At first I couldn't see the thing, but then I spotted it right above me. Then my camera had problems focusing on the glider, and I had to use manual focus. Finally when the glider came closer to the ground I got this photo. The glider pilot finished his act by flying at a height of 5-10m above the runway with the wind behind him, then he climbed, turned around and landed.
After considerable preparation the guys in the paragliders took to the air. Now that I think about it I'm not sure you should call them paragliders since they've got an engine. Anyway they flew back and forth and low and slow showing what you can do with these things.