Today's realization...

Jun 06, 2011 23:44

So I have been having some work related issues regarding the fact that I essentially have, at any given time, 5 bosses that dictate my time. The BossBoss is in charge of my whole department. Then four project managers have demands on my time for particular projects. Only one of these PMs is in my office; the rest I deal with by phone and email.

Things came to a head a couple of months ago where one of the PMs decided, the day before a draft was due, that she didn't like how I had written a *ton* of stuff. This project had already gone through two reviewers. She and I have butted heads before, particularly on writing style. This is part of the reason why, while I would love to do more writing at work, I am loath to do so. (For example, I wouldn't be able to use the word loath in anything that she was to review.)

So this has now happened on three different projects (two this year and one probably four years ago now) and, yes, I know, shit runs downhill. And at this particular junction, I am sitting at the bottom like an idiot. So I had a talk with the boss that is in my office and said that the PM was a bully to me throughout these projects, and my "coworker" whose sun shines out of her ass - well, she acts like a martyr.

And I realized today that probably none of my coworkers do as much reading as I do. Not just actual books, but I spend most of my weekends (ok, week nights too) reading fanfiction. I do research as well (genealogy and just weird personal stuff like stuff on the Titanic and the Salem Witch Trials). And as much as non fandom people who are in the know knock fanfiction, fandom has some great writers. Three times this weekend I had to look up a word (which I had seen before but wanted to make sure I understood in context) from fic in the Criminal Minds fandom. Today's word of the day? Perspicacious. Obviously talking about Dr. Reid. (Yum.)

And I can't use the word ether at work because she doesn't "get" it.

Go read a bloody dictionary. I might not be smarter, but I am DEFINITELY not as ignorant.

Plus, for some reason, this has gotten my creativity up so I have started working on my Man in the Iron Mask fic again. :)

working with idiots, rl, work, fandom, fanfic

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