Migrating from
Livejournal.com to
Dreamwidth.org (if you want to)
Why you might want to migrate (an incomplete list of possible reasons)
How to migrate (if you want to)
- Obtain an invite code (either by asking me or going to Dreamwidth.org: codesharing) OR Dreamwidth.org: Buy a new account (a simple USD3.00 for 1 month paid time will get you in).
- Create your dreamwidth.org account
- Dreamwidth.org FAQ: Import your LiveJournal (content, comments, even access controls for people from LJ if you want)
- Optionally change LJ privacy settings to turn off search inclusion, and possibly Turn off comments on your LJ account (especially if you are worried about the FB Connect issue and have imported comments)
- Set up Dreamwidth.org FAQ: Crossposting to LiveJournal
- Check Dreamwidth FAQ: Tags and Markup for some new markup you may want to use
- Just go ahead and start posting on Dreamwidth
- More details to check out if you're coming from LJ:
Dreamwidth.org FAQ: A guide to Dreamwidth for LiveJournal users
- Optionally even more bits to look at if you want to: Collection of things to help people new to Dreamwidth (by
http://thorfinn.dreamwidth.org/45734.html (
comments). Please read
DW OpenID Help if you want to
comment there