Wow an Actual Update

May 04, 2006 19:00

well for those of you that I havent talked to in a while I have a tepm job through a temp agency (liberty) it is sopposed to last through to next week. What exactly am I dooing you may ask; well as me and the other guy (cant remember his name and have worked with him for 3 days) (un)affectionatly reffer to it as "slinging steel" basicly there are skids of steel cylenders from china we resort the steel cylenders onto new skids. sounds bretty pasic right? well there are some complications
A: each Cylander weighs between 5-40 pounds
B: there are about 200 cylanders to a skid
C: we do about 10 skids in 9 hours
D: we are doing this in the middle of a parking lot (that means no shade little wind and hot ashfalt)

Plus i come home covered in grime each day from the steel

but that dosnt mean I dont like it:P , in fact the more i doo it the more i like it. All we need is a stereo
jobs that require muscle make me feel macho ;)
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