Fic: Fate Made A Mistake

Sep 22, 2013 23:21

Fic: Fate Made A Mistake

Author: daxcat79
Rating: M
Pairing: Loki/Darcy, Thor/Jane, slight tension Thor/Sif
Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst, slight Humor, Kid!fic, Future!fic, Mythology
Warnings: Language, Sexual Content
Summary: The young boy appeared in the midst of the BiFrost refusing to speak and trusting no one but Frigga, while having great fear in the presence of Thor and Odin. No one knows why until his lineage is discovered, but learning he is the son of Loki is not nearly as shocking as learning who is mother is….
A/N: Posting link to entire story since it's so close to being finished....
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, they belong to Marvel and Mythology, I just use them for my own amusement.

For those who are already reading, the banner was something I made so people could see what I envision Loki and Darcy's kid looking like. :)

pairing: jane/thor, rating: r, pairing: sif/thor, pairing: darcy/loki

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