Oct 06, 2005 21:07
hey hey hey, well work sucked today, it was the first time in a long time that i actually got flustered, but when you have a ten table section compared to everyone elses 4 tables, andyes they are all full, you can get a little flustered. ive made prettygood money lately, but i feel like a bad server if i have so many tables. i still have the most positive comment cards which is good. ryan and i had a little tif, nothing major, but he was all on me about my out, after i had been there for over 8 hours. i was tired. and it was done. oh well, we will make up, or we wont. i hope we do. i didnt see or talk to jack today, we got called about an apartment, and i want to see about it. but he left me a message that it is jsut a one bedroom, and we wanted to a 2 bedroom.
we have been working on our "media center" project for business a lot lately, so i really hope we win. i need to get a plan together.
zack broke his collarbone monday night, at the first game my mom has ever missed, and i was sad about that his football career is probably over. well i am outfor now i need totalk to jack.