Jan 06, 2005 16:37
At the end of a hard days work...I like to wind down with a refreshing Diet Coke...It really gets me in the mood...
Today is actually December 6th 2004 guys. Just to remind you guys i still havent taken a time machine into the future and no i cant tell you what you will get for christmas.
My weekend was a breath of fresh air. I had no work, at all. Yea...You heard me. Nothing. I just sat around all day and hung out with Stephanie during the nights. It was a mini vacation to me and man did i need it. Cause these next coming weeks will be pretty hectic.
Once i finish all my finals this week i start working a whole lot.
THis is gonna happen, im just waiting:
"Hey Rett! Im back in town! Lets hang out!"
"No! Sorry! I have a job and i dont plan on stopping everything going on in my life now that you're in town! Sorry!"
It kinda hit me today how long i have actually been at abercrombie. Im practically and honorary manager there. Ive been there longer than all the managers there and i run the store when they leave to go take care of other things. And i know the names of all the clothes....Embelished,Legacy,Madison,Kenne Vally, you ask me....Ill usually know.
To the point where i was making notes for the managers today on the process we should take when dressing the visuals in the windows...Ha. Oh well its kinda reassuring. Knowing that im really needed somewhere and that other people rely on me for what to do.
Maybe thats why i hated Hot Topic too...I havent been the new guy in so long that it bothered me to be the new guy...It drove me nuts. How everyone felt the need to explain everything to me. Oh well. Ill update here before too long just be patient. Lots of things going on.
Lots of things that arent really interesting...its just little stuff that has to be done. So yet concludes another non interesting post.
Here's on ole friend of ours...Glad to see you back!
Lois: Where would he go?
Peter: I don't know. I just asked him to buy me some peanuts and Crackerjacks.
Brian: I don't care if he ever gets back... I wasn't being cute, I really hope he's dead.