Jun 21, 2005 01:16
I found this quote today, and it got me to thinking.
"Are we romantically challenged, or are we just sluts?" ~ Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City
Are the ideas of marriage and fidelity outdated? It's a fact that half of all marriages end in divorce. It's also a fact that 60% of men and 40% of women have cheated on their spouse. So, in this day in age, is it too much to expect loyalty out of a partner? And is marriage even the right thing to do?
I think, sometimes, if people from say the 50s could look at the people today, they would be disgusted. The majority of the population is just out for a piece of ass. No one's really interested in "getting to know" anyone anymore. Sex has become so casual that we can screw an absolute stranger and feel no remorse for it. I myself am guilty of being what some could call a slut sometimes. I've slept with people I had absolutely no affection towards, and I've done things with people I'd only known for a few hours (except actually having sex with them). I'll be the first to admit that I've had more partners that I probably should at my age. What makes me kind of sad is that this is considered normal. It's perfectly acceptable in teenage society to have more sexual partners by the time you're 16 than most people used to have their entire lives. When did things start being like this? When did we go from "I wanna get to know you" to "When are we gonna screw"?
My friends are a perfect example of this. I've had friends be so into guys, and all the boys are interested in is when they're gonna get some. I know it tends to be male nature, but whatever happened to chivalry? I think it's romantic when a guy lets me cut in front of him in line. I know that lots of things have changed in the past fifty years or so. Society is more fueled by sex than ever before. Everywhere we look sex is being thrown in our face, from music to movies to advertisements. My question is, were we sexually oppressed all along and this is our time to be free and open with our sexuality, or are we all just sluts?