Feb 17, 2005 23:11
yeah so it is the "season" at the Home Depot. This means taht this is when we make the most of or money. So as such we have to hire more people to work. Well, So yeah we hired these two people to work as cashiers and put them on our schedule. The only problem is that they were put on the schedule for the next month but they decided to quit after working for two days. So That meant that the other cashiers like me have to pick up the slack. So i increased my hours from 16 to 25 it might not seem like a lot but I am exhausted. I ahve no time to work out, hang out, or study/sleep. So yeah although there is extra money. I could really care less. i mean what is the point of making soo much money and having no time or energy to spend it. So yeah well I only ahve to deal with it for the next month or so. Then spring quarter starts and I get very very excited. THe pool is heated, the sun is out, and I am probably going to be happy as a clam. 1 month..