Jun 04, 2007 09:50
You all might have a little idea about the way some companies charge you their fees. Like the electricity supplier or phone service provider charge you a fixed monthly cost and then a variable charge which changes according to your use of the services. So, how do they increase their profit by not making it obvious?
1. In case of activation charges of certain services, say a monthly scheme that they'll charge every month, they might deactivate the service before the predetermined end date, say within fifteen days, and you might have to reactivate the service, paying the same amount for a month again fifteen days before the last activation should've lasted. So, your previous 'monthly' charge was actually for only half a month. And when you call their customer service, this is what you usually hear, "There was some 'technical' problem. Everything's ok now." But what about the money that I lost?? Was it my mistake that they had a technical problem?? Shouldn't I get the services activated for the rest of the period without being charged?? "We're extremely sorry sir. We regret your inconvenience. But we don't have the record or the authority or the access to do what you currently want."
Then why the F* am I talking with her!? Shouldn't she transfer my call to a person who has such authority? "Sorry sir, I'm afraid that's not possible. Your inconvenience is deeply regretted."
Neat trick! Isn't it?
2. In such a case of monthly fixed charge, they might do one more thing... Stop the services totally. You need example? Load shedding, telephone service out of order.. They charge you their regular monthly fixed charge irrespective of the fact that their services are not regular. If they have decided that you will not get electricity for one-third of the day, shouldn't their monthly fixed cost come down by one-third? But is doesn't!
Another neat trick.
But nobody questions.
Well, I can think of more but I'm totally pi*d off by the monopoly that has been created by such people and by the attitude of the customer community. When we see such exploitation, we ask, "Is everybody treated the same way? Is everyone charged the same way? If yes, then it's ok."
How the f* is it ok?? What are you waiting for? For God to intervene?