The Fairy Glade in the Rock Close of Blarney Castle
The Rock Close *
Blarney Castle, Blarney,
Ireland * *
Not much is known of this glade except that fairies are rumored to flitter around the foliage. Of course this is more-less the Victorian image of small insect-like fairies that resemble tiny human-shaped beings with wings (better known as “pixies”) rather than a habitat for the human-form shaped Fae or Faeries like Elves, dryads, naiads, nymphs, faun, trolls, orcs, and various other hundreds of beings known as Faeries. Its a beautiful little garden section with a ring walk around. A new addition I noticed in 2013 was a wood carved stump chair with the Druid’s rays on it. Little altars and offerings abound throughout the glade. Since Faeries or fairies cannot be proven to exist, neither does any sound history or archaeology on this place being that it most likely was dreamt up by the Castle grounds owners in the early 1800′s when they landscaped and created the “Rock Close” around the prehistoric dwellings that were believed to be utilized by Druids and early Celtic peoples.
Article review written by Thomas Baurley,
Technogypsie Productions © 2013 - All Rights Reserved.
Bibliography / Recommended Reading / References
- Adams, C. L. 1906 “Castles of Ireland: Some Fortress Histories and Legends”. Fredonia.
- undated “Blarney Castle” website. Website referenced 1/3/2014 at
- Curran, Aoife 2013 Ireland: Legends & Folklore. Regency House Publishing: Buntingford, UK.
- Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Undated “Blarney Castle”. Website referenced 1/3/2014 at