Happy/Sad Foot of Sunset Blvd
* Sunset Blvd. * Los Angeles, California *
There’s a whirling sign of a foot on crutches that locals claim has supernatural and mythical properties: The moment you glance at it … if it is a Happy Foot, good luck will come your way. If it is Unhappy, Bad luck comes your way.
According to locals (& now Boingboing.net) this rotating sign that is the advertising sign for a Foot clinic will prophesize your luck. The sign rotates slowly. The urban myth has become so popular with locals and tourists, that it has been already immortalized in the book “
You Don’t Love Me Yet” published in 2008 by Jonathan Lethem. He writes “Lucinda’s view took in a three quarter’s slice of the sign as it turned in its vigil over Sunset Boulevard: happy foot and sad foot suspended in dialog forever. The two images presented not so much a one-or-the-other choice as an eternal marriage of opposites, the emblem of some ancient foot-based philosophical system. This was Lucinda’s oracle: once glance to pick out the sad or happy foot, and a coin was flipped, to legislate any decision she’d delegated to the foot god.”
Originally published at
Technogypsie.com Reviews