The Illustrated History of Weaponry

Apr 05, 2009 08:27

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weaponry
Originally uploaded by Thomas Roche In case anyone was wondering whether I am That Guy, I officially am. I've now spent like 5 hours poring through The Illustrated History of Weaponry by Chuck Wills. Did you know that it's a myth that the blunderbuss could be packed with rusty nails if you were short on bullets? Or that small, low-caliber "muff pistols" were so named because ladies (or "ladies") carried them in their hand-warmers (not that other place you might be thinking)? I do. And now you do, too, because That Guy told you.

Those goofy illustrated encyclopedias they sell as permanent remainders at Barnes & Noble never fail to bewitch me. They seem to be printed on a bizarre selection of topics -- everything from California plants to magic spells to implements of torture to World War II Fighters of the Italian Navy. Who the hell writes these things? Who buys them? Guys like me, apparently. Where else could you get so many hours of phenomenal joy for $12.88?

Give me a room full of encyclopedias and reference books; find me there 10 days later, starved unconscious.
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