Wed, 17:53: RT @ SulisMinerva_: *VERY IMPORTANT POST* This is doing the rounds. You may have seen it. But…even if me posting it only helps one UK fol…
Thu, 07:31: RT @ merrywyns: Anyways Twilight completely appropriated the culture of the Quileute tribe and the tribe received no compensation. The Quile…
Thu, 09:45: RT @ NEXTDistro: In light of the X-Waiver being done away with, this is still not enough. We urgently need to listen to the patients, clinic…
Thu, 09:47: RT @ seandehey: regret to inform the people credulously quoting the walmart ceo saying 'theft issues may require us to close some underperfo…
Thu, 10:26: RT @ InkMasterbator: Elon Musk, attempting to launch his "Not a giant penis" into space, experiences premature ejaculation.
Thu, 10:56: RT @ GailSimone: What was the first tabletop game to make you a real fan of board games? Card/miniature/dice games all count, as well. Just…