The crucial point that I failed to realize.

Dec 24, 2008 08:08

In my response to this, I note:The case [against paying taxes] is already compelling. It’s just that I’m not willing to subject myself and my family to the violence that inevitably follows.
It was rightly pointed out to me a few comments later that:thomasblair:
"It’s just that I’m not willing to subject myself and my family to the violence that inevitably follows."

Billy Beck, years ago:
"...they use the things we love - families, careers, possessions, etc. - against us. This is the fundamental principle on which it all works."

Our entire lives are being held for ransom.
This is the crucial bit: They use the things we love -- families, careers, possessions, etc. -- against us. This is the fundamental principle on which it all works.

I'm a coward in the face of state power. I pay my taxes, obey the law to the best of my ability (a dizzying prospect when you consider the sheer volume of it all), and don't rock the boat. I work my slave job to earn enough work points to pay the IRS for the privilege of laboring. I am complicit in the operation of the corrupt financial system, lashed to the mast of a sinking ship by the requisite use of Federal Reserve Points to pay the ransom to the IRS so that armed agents won't be sent to murder me.

Until I shake off the chains of fear of state violence, I'll remain that coward.

They use the things we love against us.
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