So I've been offloading loads of CDs on ebay. I've sold more than 100 and I've passed the 50 feedback mark. It's rather time consuming and the the margins on my 99 cent or 1.99 CDs could be a bit better but so far so good. Had one or two mildly dodgey things go wrong like spammers and a non-payer but otherwise it's been going fine. In fact, it's quite satisfying.
My most recent batch of uploads consists of about a dozen CDs. One of these is called 'Lip Sync' by a goth leaning/darkwave/experimental group called Attrition. I had several copies of the disc and I've sold about two so far from memory. I've currently got another copy uploaded and that's when I noticed something a bit odd...
This first pic is what you see when you click on the listing. It's the item page, description, etc and it features an image of the CD. I should add that I opted for the "gallery' option whereby you are charged an additional fee to have a thumbnail of the pic displayed in searches.
So far, everything is normal.
The description by the way reads: Attrition Lip Sync darkwave goth industrial experimenta. Copy and paste that into an eBay search and see what you come up with. But... when I enter that description into e-bay search, my item shows up, but the gallery thumbnail image (which like I said, cost me an additional fee to have displayed) doesn't display the CD cover you see above. In fact, it displays something quite different...
What is it? Let's take a closer look...
Ok, so it's hard to tell what it is on that screendump but I assure you I know that's one certided a gay porno title front cover with two topless blokes hugging and a title called "Straight" something or rather... You know what you're getting there and it's certainly no 90s goth industrial single.
Now I have to say I find this technical error on eBay's part quite hella-hillarious. However, I feel it's unfair on me because of the (I get to mention it three times now!) additional fee I got charged for displaying a gallery image.
I've already contacted eBbay's technical people AND reported *my own item* for displaying naughty material or whatever it is but that was two days ago and no word since. As you may know, eBay are notorious for having little tolerance for non-kosher items, let alone subversive material like gay pron.
Either that or I have a super-virus on my computer that has been programmed to do terrible things to my CD gallery photos, which I took myself.
F**k I hope not...
Any suggestions? At the very least I should get my gallery and listing fee back.