Easy Achievements in Tetris Blitz (Windows Phone)

Apr 01, 2014 13:24

So I just booted up my ol' Windows Phone to carry on playing Tetris Blitz and found a pretty handy cheat/bug for anyone who wants a quick 200 gamerscore.

  1. Simply play the single player mode up until level 11, until "Tournament" mode unlocks. (This should take around an hour or so of play to complete.)
  2. Pick one of the daily tournaments, preferably one of the easy to score in modes such as, "flash flood" and play through it once.
  3. Afterwards in the "Tournament" menu under "Your Tournaments" select the "Details" option and watch any of the other players run-through of the game.
  4. Any achievements that they gain will then become yours, just by watching through the video.
I found this purely by chance and have no idea if it is documented anywhere else. I also have no idea if the developer is even aware of this bug?

Hope this tip helps, if it does please leave a comment below. :-)

guides, achievements, computer games, xbox, gaming

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