I briefly
mentioned a
commercial a few weeks back that claimed there was absolutely nothing wrong with CO2 and we should do nothing to stop the rising levels in our atmosphere. Well, today I found another commercial by the same people (Competitive Enterprise Institute) about recent scientific studies on global warming.
This one claims that studies have found the ice over greenland and antarctica has thickened recently. While the ice may be thickening, those studies have found that that fact itself is evidence of global warming:
The picture of change on Greenland's ice sheet is not simple, however. As you look at the attending maps, notice how much of the interior landmass is covered by wide areas of pale yellow. These indicate areas where the ice level is rising. The science of this phenomenon is fascinating. As ice melts near the coast, it gives up moisture to the surrounding atmosphere, raising its potential energy as the humidity rises. As it's also a lower altitude, the air is warmer, and thus it rises. Up on the wide, flat plains of ice that make up the majority of Greenland's surface, that moisture rich air cools when it reaches the comparatively higher altitude, and the air gives up its moisture in the form of snow. Gradually that snow builds up into ice, hence the apparent increase on the maps shown here. As it turns out, the thickening ice in the center is itself evidence of disappearing ice over the rest of the continent. (
More evidence
here. Oh those silly lobbyists. Now, I'm not claiming that we fully understand the climate and that the changes we are seeing have no mysteries. But to say that these changes mean nothing and we should not worry about them is irresponsible. That would be like saying potential threats to national security mean nothing and we should not worry about them. I, for one, would simply like to see more responsibility in regards to our treatment of the environment so that future generations can enjoy the outdoors as we do. These commercials show a lack of responsibility when it comes to how we treat our environment.