Cosmos II

Mar 10, 2014 00:53

Degrasse, like so many, many scientists, confuse the ability to "prove" or "validate" truth, with truth itself. Even though Bruno saw the same cosmos as Degrasse, he just had a "lucky guess". Why? Well because science was not invented yet, so what else could he be doing but guessing! Bruno could not test and validate what he saw therefore he was guessing. (Albeit a guess for which he gave his very life Mr. Degrasse) No! Bruno and Degrasse observed the very same cosmos! The fact that Bruno could not prove his vision to others does not mean that he was guessing! Think of it this way: Two friends are on safari and and see a lion. One friend has a camera and snaps a picture. Is the friend without a camera simply a lucky guesser? What an illogical, ridiculous and arrogant assumption! Scientists are constantly confusing the method by which they discover truth, to be the truth itself. You and the likes of you Mr. Degrasse do, in fact, cast a shadow. Its about time you deal with it.
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