
Apr 07, 2011 03:13

O P E N I N G  T H E  V E I L  (cont . .)

The veil both hides and reveals! This is the old saying and by far the best regarding the veil of the wise. The veil is the entrance situated between the threshold and the temple. It is a psychic membrane, semipermeable, between the outer would of discursive reason, and the inner world of Images. To part it you must yourself move from Logos to Nous!
   The veil itself hangs between the pylons and to open, is parted in the middle.  It should be of shining blues and silver for these are the colors of Soul. Imagine it covered with mystic signs and sigils that shimmer with an incandescent light.  
   The veil should be as the sun glittering on the pure blue sea. To part it is to dive into the water of the wise and pierce down and through the surface with barely a circled ripple! Soul, yours and mine and indeed the Soul of the Whole Wide World is like a great sea. Its world and wonders lies below the surface of things! It lives within you and within all things.
   This dynamic of both hiding and revealing suggests the act of seeing through, behind or beneath the merely superficial. So that the physical becomes deepened and spiritualized. And the spiritual reveals itself as the body of bodies. Having just now lifted for you a corner of the Isis veil, let me describe to you the ritual gesture itself.
   Stand in your place, hands to heart in prayerful adoration. Your praying hands are like a flame symbolizing your yearning aspiration towards the One life. With unlocked knees take a good step forward with your left foot. That is you move forward on the inner planes by listening and receiving.
   At the same time as you advance, and still holding your hands in prayer, push your hands away from your body, exactly as if you were diving into the veil. But the moment the fingertips of your prayered hands break the surface, pull them apart and away from one another. As you part the veil in this manner step back and proclaim: I open The Veil! Stand in Tee cross form for a moment. Slowly drop your arms to your sides. As if you were a Horus hawk, perched and folding in his wings.

The temple is now open. Continue with your work.

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