1001001--ERROR--Is Anybody Else Here?//365/2 Days

Jun 12, 2010 19:05

Well...that was a fun year off.

Hello again, dear readers!

So, any of you out there who still know this handle might be wondering, what happened? The truth is: nothing. Well, nothing of any major consequence, anyway. I just got tired of talking about myself, that's all. In a time when "social networking" sites grow more and more pervasive (and invasive), when every other sentence out of anyone's mouth is "Are you on MyTwtiFaceSpaceTweetBook?", maybe I got burned *out* on having an online presence. Ten years ago, I wanted the *world* to know who I was and what I was about. Now? Meh. If you wanna know, that's fine. But there's very few people that I would *really* tell every bit of minutae about my life, and even then, only if they asked. It seems the Facebook generation's poster child grew up before it could get here.

Don't misunderstand me, though. I still care *very deeply* about my friends. Mind you, I'm talking about *you*, my *friends*, NOT a list of 1000+ and counting names. Don't mistake my silence/laziness for indifference. If something has happened in your life in the past 365 days that you feel I should know about, please let me know, publicly or privately. I may have stopped posting, but I never stopped caring, I promise you that.

The bottom line is, even though I've neglected this LJ for a year, I think it'll still serve a happy medium between complete total silence and Orwell's 1984. I'm not saying I'm gonna post every day now. In fact, I can almost guarantee I won't. Definitely not going to be a live streaming 24/7 feed of what my status is, what cereal I'm eating, or wangst over what someone wrote on some pretend wall somewhere. I'll be that lesser known product at the end of the aisle that doesn't have an aggressive ad campaign but plenty of loyal customers who know where to find it, for lack of a better metaphor.

Long story short, not a Hell of a lot changed. I'm still doing what I was doing, broken up by occasional conventions and visits.

I really didn't intend to editorialize. I just wanted to let anyone keeping score know that I was still alive. Speaking of which, I think it's time for the return of YouTube's Greatest Hits with a double feature after the cut!

Everybody now!

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Here's another catchy tune about a kid that loves lasagna. Or, IS it?!

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I...don't know what to say!

Wait, yes, I do. Whenever it is...

Until next time!
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