(no subject)

Jan 19, 2004 20:32

Name: mike
Nickname: meek
Birthday: dec 13
Birthplace: london, ontario canada
Current mood: bored
Current music: wolfsheim-childhood cruel
Current taste: WKD Blue cooler
Current hair: its down
Current clothes: black jeans, black sock, black boxers, black T-shirt
Current annoyance: dont really got one
Current smell: my burning ciggy
Current thing I ought to be doing: reading art history chpt
Current desktop picture: willow and tara....mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Current favorite band: dont really got one
Current book: none
Current cd in stereo: like i would kno
Smoke? y
Do drugs? occasionally
Have sex? not as much as i would like
Have a dream that keeps coming back? sorta
Remember your first real love? yes
Still love him/her? its complicated
Read the newspaper? only lately for apt hunting
Have any gay or lesbian friends? y
Believe in miracles? iv seen too many to say no
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? very very rare, but could happen
Consider yourself tolerant of others? depends on the other
Consider love a mistake? the only mistake is confusing love for something else
Like the taste of alcohol? yup
Have a favorite candy? cinnamon hearts
Believe in astrology? to an extent
Believe in magic? indeed
Have any pets? well there's frisky at moms
Go to or plan to go to college or university: yup now take fine art in college
Have any piercings? none
Have any tattoos? heart arrow tear on me right sholder blade
Hate yourself? sometimes
Have an obsession? many
Have a secret crush? yes
Do they know yet? hellllll............no
Have a best friend? i have 2, dan and jackie.....aka dackie
Wish on stars? never did
Care about looks? have u seen me?
Love life? not very often
Single or taken? single
Ever been in love? yep
Do you believe in love at first sight? y

Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue-green
Height: 5'7

?bought? textbook for my gen ed
?ate & drank? dry honey combs and wkd blue
?read? stuff from textbooks

?club or houseparty? house party.
?beer or cider? beer
?drinks or shots? drinks
?cats or dogs? both have their advantage
?single or taken? u already asked, but single
?pen or pencil? pen
?gloves or mittens? gloves
?food or candy? which ever is handy
?cassette or cd? MP3

?dated one of your best friends? dont think so
?loved somebody so much that it makes you cry? yes
?drunk alcohol? yes.
?done drugs? yes.
?broken the law? Yes.
?run away from home? in a way
?broken a bone? a few im sure
?played Truth or Dare? yes
?kissed someone whom you didn't know? yes.
?been in a fight? me in a fight???
?come close to dying? almost drowned, and i did have a seizer when i was lilttle

?the most embarrassing CD in your collection? The Tea Party
?your bedroom like? u kno the area they trained amry guys to use grenades, yea
?your favorite thing for breakfast? pepsi and smokes

?talked to: jude
?IMed: jackie
?hugged: i dunno
?kissed: havent kissed in a long time
?had a serious conversation with: sorta serious with jude, but i could be wrong, i dont really remember things right now
?yelled at: i try not to yell, it scares ppl
?befriended: jackie befriended freedom, i havent watched her enough to get a reading

What's on your bedside table? first off, no table, just dresser at foot of bed, and clack, lamp, stuffed animals, and other randonm crap
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? i dunno
Do you ever have to beg? for what???
Are you a pyromaniac? not so much anymore
Do you know anyone famous? i kno the girls from kitty, but they died out pretty quick
Describe your bed: it has many many springs sticking out that hurt
Spontaneous or plan? depends on the situation
Do you know how to play poker? yep
What do you carry with you at all times? lighter, bus pass/student card, keys, change purse, wallet, smokes, cell, sunglasses, MP3 player
How do you drive? how indeed
What do you miss most about being little? nothing really, when i was little alot of ppl left
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? enough to buy me a deserted chunk of land where i could live
What color is your bedroom? whilte *pffft*
What was the last song you that were listening to? Wolfshiem, i dont kno the name of the sone
Do you talk a lot? not unless i kno u, or im super drunk
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? sometimes i like me.
Do you think you're cute? not really
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? no more than regular people annoy me.
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