read it and weep. all this time i thought i was just maverick, kind of a jerk and definitely, DEFINITELY female! apparently, i'm just playing for the guy's team. all i want to say to these posers who wrote the article (and are clearly NOT succeeding in the 'breeding market') is this:
bitches, come to Smith! come on! come on!
i know plenty of awesome goddesses who ride unicycles and laugh at chuck norris jokes-- in fact their sense of humour is way evolved, it's all witticisms and shit. maybe they're even making fun of making fun. i know i donned the frat-boi mentality during college b/c of the hilarity of some of the fratties i met at UMASS who took themselves so effing seriously that they felt the need to constantly inflate their ego through the constant subjugation of the female sex. at smith we could "reclaim" our own subjugation if we chose to. plenty of girls decided to date assholes throughout their academic career, and in all honesty, it was their own decision/empowerment to do so. of course, there were even a few i knew who wanted to be trophy wives someday, and unofficially majored in the m.r.s. degree. but you know what? that was their own choice too. we live in a relatively free society where you can decide to be autonomous, to choose healthy relationships, to employ frat-boy humour in a way that does not perpetuate the enslavement of yourself or others to outdated identity categories. wow. this would make a good thesis topic for a wst major, eh?
o.k. i'm going to go holler at my wife to make me dinner, dammit. and then i'll prance around like the alpha-male i always just now knew i am.