Nov 12, 2010 14:50
The Bones that Weren't: In Which We Forgot About Everything Else in the Last 5 Minutes And Scratched Our Heads
[Side note: this past week was a week I'd just as soon forget so let's all pretend that I'm not a day late and a dollar short with this little recap thing I do, okay? Okay.]
So here's the thing: this episode has everything you need for a great Bones episode: pretty cool case, awesome toys that the lab rats play with, hilarious Hodgins, a longing gaze or two, some drama for the main characters, and hey, for the second time this season a life is saved! But the thing that I watched happen in the fandom as the week unfolded was it kept coming back to those last few minutes. Yep. Those. In which Hannah procured herself a new pair of sunglasses and the metaphorical crap hit the fans.
Now, when it first aired I was definitely one of those that wrinkled my brow and wondered what in the world was going on. I sat on Twitter and watched others speculate as to what it meant and if there was a deeper meaning, or if it was meaningless. I mean, it seemed like kind of a selfish thing to demand from someone who'd just saved your life, right? And yet Brennan just kind of shrugs and forks over the shades she's been sporting since season two and talks about what a pair they are.
I toyed all week with taking an in-depth look at the situation to analyze what happened and if it was "in character." All that good stuff we fans love to dig into. In the end, though, I'm going with Brennan and shrugging it off as a quirk. Overall, I do like the Hannah character and I think she's bringing things to the story that B&B just weren't getting sitting in that holding pattern that they've been in since around the beginning of the third season until the 100th episode. I'm not her biggest fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm not just grinning and bearing it either: she's here for a reason and I'm in it for the long haul.
Meanwhile, I liked the case aspects of this episode. That laser skeleton was WAY cool (even Brennan agrees), it was neat how they found the palm print, and I really liked bronze Shakespeare dude! On the personal side of things, I loved that Brennan has never stopped poking her nose in where it doesn't belong when it comes to the people she cares about being hurt. A few years ago she got Booth to the hospital so he could get rid of that pesky tumor, and now she saves Hannah from bleeding internally and kicking the bucket before her time.
I really love this about Brennan. Where some people might get catty about the whole thing and not even look, she looks and then speaks up, even offering to consult with the surgeon. She cares about Hannah because Booth does, and I think we all (Hannah and Booth included) love her a little bit more for that.
So will this episode crack my top ten? Not even close, but out of 111 hours of Bones that are available to me, it's not too shabby.
What did you think?
Gum :)