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Sep 11, 2007 09:21

This past weekend was HELL.

I got to start out on Thursday with waking up sick. Crohnes sick. t was the last day before my next Remicaid appt, so it wasn't exactly a horrible thing, and I figured I'd sleep in to avoid the worst of it, and then go to work late.

Well, I head out, and just before I get to work, my car breaks down. As in steam/smoke, rattling, loss of propulsion, and then loss of any form of engine activity at all. I managed to coast down to a closed gas station and called my garage & towing company. Totally aggravated, since I'd just had something similar happen about a month ago which was the fault of a broken belt. Well, this one was more serious as it turns out. The engine had overheated, likely the fault of a bad water pump or thermostat. It got so hot it melted the plastic part of the radiator cap and the engine coolant bottle. The Oil had turned BLACK.

Now, I did get off light, as it turns out, since the entire engine could have cracked and been worthless at those temperatures, but I got lucky. A strange and expensive kind of lucky, as my repair bill totaled over 800 bucks.

And then the fun started. First I had to figure out how to get a vehicle, as I had to get to work and my Remicaid appt on Friday. I managed to get the use of my father's truck, which was awkward to work out, but convenient since I was going to be borrowing it this past weekend anyways to move stuff out of my house (yeah, really getting into a crunch about moving out, since my lease is up on the 30th).

So Friday went pretty well, until that night when an infant kitten was dropped off at Annette's house by it's deadbeat ally cat mother. We are, of course, to much the bleeding hearts to leave it abandoned, or to drop it off at the SPCA which is never staffed enough for it's regular load, let alone the once-every-four-hours feeding schedule required by a kitten this age. So we deal. We go to the vets Sat morning instead of getting started on packing/moving, to make sure the poor guy was in good health (all disease/parasite tests negative, thank goodness), and go about getting all the stuff we'd need to feed it. Then, we through ourselves into heavy lifting, box packing, load carting & stair climbing all day till we wear ourselves out. And then do it again on Sunday, after a short but pleasant stop by the Farmer's market like usual. COMPLETELY exhaust ourselves, (don't forget, feeding the kitten every four hours, day & night). Getting totally stressed out about how much there is to move at this point, feeling overwhelmed.

So I reach Monday, exhausted, muscle-sore, weary, and we have to do something about the kitten. Oh, yes, and I also still have to clean up my house from its packing-explosion mess so that the house can be shown to prospective future renters, thank you Mr. Landlord. So I take some time off, run to the house, deal with the mess (and the mess made by the kitten when it learned that it didn't have to wait till I wiped it's bum with a wet cloth to defecate, and did so all over it's box), then I head to work. I verify that there's no way in hell that I can bring the thing inside, however I CAN take my laptop with me and work from home. ROCK. ... except that I've disconnected my nice cable internet from my old house and Annette only has Dial up... crap. So I head home. Have to clear out space to set up computer stuff (we've been moving stuff around like mad to fit everything in and still have usable space), get phone help from Ma Petite to get the dial up connection established, and finally get online, only to have to try and actually accomplish something with a glacial download speed and no ability to talk face to face, and the realization that I'd left some important papers and a book I needed on CMMI at work...

Oh, yes, And I also checked on my credit cards. Guess what? Charges I'd made way back in the year for medical expenses, the two car repair bills, the vet visit, and all my normal expenses all hit at the same time. JOY! So now I'm stretched thin as balloon elastic, ready to pop, or at least financially-wise. Already a day later I've made great strides towards fixing that particular problem, but I don't like getting there in the first place, you know?

Anyways, That was my weekend + edges, and I pray it continues to get better.
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